I B Hankering's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Independent from what? Tyranny? I got news for you. Tyranny is back. We need a new revolution. The first didn't take.
Independent from what? Tyranny? I got news for you. Tyranny is back. We need a new revolution. The first didn't take. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

That's a fact but we can still celebrate the first one. You old fuddy duddy...

COG and Sooey--->
Independent from what? Tyranny? I got news for you. Tyranny is back. We need a new revolution. The first didn't take. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think the first one did take. It just so happens though as the decades went by the population increased and now we have an over whelming number of dipshits called Liberals who want to fuck with the country again. If they want another revolution we'll give it to them. They might want to keep in mind though, this time around we have better weapons, and we're just as pissed as we were last time.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's a fact but we can still celebrate the first one. You old fuddy duddy...

COG and Sooey---> Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I'm not going to get caught up in all the phony patriotism. If we want to honor the first one, we should do it by having a second one. We can do it by uniting peacefully against our common enemy, the government and its owners.

"The Tree of Liberty must at times be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots."
COG is talking jihad .
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The revolution didn't die but tyranny always lives on. That is one reason why every new generation is called upon to defend freedom. Sadly, that is not taught in our schools anymore. We've allowed the progressives to decide for the children of this nation what is relevant, politically correct, and progressive for us. The first institutions invaded were the schools and that is nearly a success. Only the big name institutions train people to be leaders which is as the leadership likes it. Most of the state run institutions just need highly educated drones to rule over the lesser drones. Isn't that how it always is in slavery. You need a willing slave to control the lesser slaves. However, unlike COG, I don't think that particular stubborn strain has been bred out of modern Americans....yet. We know that we are missing something but it is getting harder and harder to describe it without someone saying that we're racist, homophobic, sexist, or something.

You want to make this day really stand for something that over cooked hot dogs and fireworks? Tell people about what this country would be like (or the world for that matter) if we had never risen up and took our place in history. Tell them about the tyranny that is still out there and growing. Tell your children that they have a responsibility to shitcan those safe spaces, those politically correct ways, and the moral cowardice of the left. It's only a matter of time until they come for you in those safe spaces if you allow it.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Brexit. It's contagious. Catch it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Happy Independence Day!
  • DSK
  • 07-04-2016, 10:00 AM
Independent from what? Tyranny? I got news for you. Tyranny is back. We need a new revolution. The first didn't take. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Agreed, though I want it to be peaceful.
  • DSK
  • 07-04-2016, 10:03 AM
I'm not going to get caught up in all the phony patriotism. If we want to honor the first one, we should do it by having a second one. We can do it by uniting peacefully against our common enemy, the government and its owners.

"The Tree of Liberty must at times be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots." Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Amen my brother. It is not unpatriotic to oppose one's government when that government has circumvented the natural rights of man, and oppresses its own people, at times using phony patriotism to induce those who loved the old country to trick them into supporting their very own oppressors.