Column America's explosion of income inequality, in one amazing animated chart

See on this chart how middle class is shrinking.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wealth distribution today is a result of the crony capitalism being practiced today. The rich get richer because of their connections to politicians, and their lobbyists buy perks using campaign contributions. Our system more closely resembles fascism, more than capitalism.
SassyOldSue and CuteOldGuy sitting in a tree...


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SassyOldSue and CuteOldGuy sitting in a tree...


Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Works for me. But you'll notice I respectfully took a position in opposition to hers.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Liberalism deserves no respect. It deserves to be defeated.
Liberalism deserves no respect. It deserves to be defeated. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
It sometimes succeeds when right wing politics fail.

California raised taxes, Kansas lowered or did away with taxes on small business. .

Now the bank of KDOT is supplying money.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Move. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
It is how you wing nuts want the rest of the USA run dim bulb. Best to vote .em out.
  • Tiny
  • 07-04-2016, 12:21 PM
Dear Democrat Political Operative,

So the chart shows upper income grew from 14% to 21% of the population and middle class fell from 61% to 50% of the population. Except in the minds of Democrat politicians, a shrinking middle class is good if those people are moving into the upper income segment. What's a travesty is that poor Americans have increased from 25% to 29% of the population. Chalk much of that up to technology and globalization effecting the job market. But the desire of your party to keep people poor and dependent on government to get more votes also plays a part.
Wealth distribution today is a result of the crony capitalism being practiced today. The rich get richer because of their connections to politicians, and their lobbyists buy perks using campaign contributions. Our system more closely resembles fascism, more than capitalism. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Too much capitalism or concentrated wealth at the top. I hate to say the awful word, but there should be some redistribution of wealth. Not in the form of handouts, but maybe in the form of higher wages. Did you know that minimum wage in Australia is $17 per hour?