Trump gaslights the media again and gets more free advertising

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now I get the story second hand through the alternative media but if you follow twitter then you know that Trump retweeted an image of Hillary Clinton with the headline about her corruption. The bad thing was that a "six-pointed" star was used to highlight the ad. The other bad thing was that the original that, according to the press, the original art came from a racist web sight. Now there was nothing about Judism in the art, that interpretation came soley from the press and the Hillary camp. Kind of shows you where their thinking is. Anyway, the press and the Hillary camp repeated the tweet, and repeated, and no cost to Trump. Okay, they say that Trump is anti-semitic because of the art. Then the truth comes out; Trump broker barriers when it came to golf courses, Jews, and blacks. Trump did what Hillary and her ilk like to claim. That is a matter of public record. So Trump wins again.

By the way, national polling has Hillary trending lower.