FBI Comey: Hillary did it but there will be no charges.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The FBI found multiple counts where Hillary and her staff mishandled classified documents that were classified at the time but they found insufficient evidence of criminality. He implied that someone other than Hillary would face other sanctions in their job. Demotion or firing?

793 does not require intent only gross negligence.
Chung Tran's Avatar
anyone who thought the FBI or any other body might bring charges is delusional. yes, they may name a sacrificial lamb not named Hillary, but that's it, if that.

it would probably take the discovery of sexual video starring Hillary and Huma, to generate more than a yawn from the electorate.
  • DSK
  • 07-05-2016, 10:10 AM
The election is completely in the bag for Hillary, barring a complete miracle.

Time to consider who will be the best candidate for 2020, and how we can hold onto the House and Senate in the meantime.

Liberals are going to be lording it over us for the rest of our lives. We can only hope our children and grandchildren can save what was once a great nation.

No way will I ever salute the flag or put my hand over my heart for a country run by Hillary Clinton. I will not recite the Pledge of Allegiance even if you put a gun to my head.

White conservative men are the new Black men now. They are going to get revenge on us boys, so get ready.
The election is completely in the bag for Hillary, barring a complete miracle.

Time to consider who will be the best candidate for 2020, and how we can hold onto the House and Senate in the meantime.

Liberals are going to be lording it over us for the rest of our lives. We can only hope our children and grandchildren can save what was once a great nation.

No way will I ever salute the flag or put my hand over my heart for a country run by Hillary Clinton. I will not recite the Pledge of Allegiance even if you put a gun to my head.

White conservative men are the new Black men now. They are going to get revenge on us boys, so get ready. Originally Posted by DSK
You're right she won't be indicted. This country is behind a big gate called Liberalville, and they did it by the use of deception with the Media and the entertainment business. Hillary is just the tip of the Iceberg. Check out this clip you'll see what I mean.


FBI Director Comey just relegated himself down to the status of "Lackey".

He laid out the entire case as to WHY charges should be brought, but then said "no".

The bright side. He might just have cost Hillary the election.
there is a two tiered legal system in this country

always has been

we never have been truly a nation of laws

this gives once again a now jaded, previously naïve believer in justice, justice being the equal application of law, the same sinking, despairing feeling that the IRS scandal and the other departments of the government under this administration targeting the American people for political beliefs did

if you ever once believed this was a nation of laws that applied across the board you will become disheartened from this, the left wishes you to be

the clinton's slithered away once more
Lets have a show of hands, how many were surprised?
This shit is just disturbing. I guess Bill's barter or threat with/to Lynch was effective. I'm glad we pay the salaries of these "professionals" to do perform an outstanding investigation only to recommend "no action" in the end. I am also glad they did not conclude that a reasonable prosecutor would "not" pursue a "criminal" for committing a "crime". God bless America, the land where people lowest on the totem pole are held to the highest standards and prosecuted accordingly, yet, the upper echelon.......well, ethics and morality are basically conferred upon achievement of "status". Good job Justice System, you never cease to amaze me!
Lets have a show of hands, how many were surprised? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I said it in a previous thread. The Clinton/Lynch meeting was no accident. The ongoing statements about how "honorable" Director Comey was is no accident. The fact now that President Obama scheduled a campaign stop THIS AFTERNOON with Hillary is no accident.

They are all in it together. Clinton said "jump", they all did.

What other conclusion can any reasonable person come too.

The shame is, Comey has now turned the FBI into a political tool the likes we haven't seen since ole J Edger himself ran it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Time to move back to "Israel," JL!

If the charges are shit, you must acquit!

gfejunkie's Avatar
The FBI "fat lady" still hasn't sung yet.

You forget that there is yet another ongoing active investigation that has nothing to do with the crooked Obama administration.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Keep holding out hope, gfe(forbiddentopic).

Maybe if they'd make more Republicans... ooops!
gfejunkie's Avatar
More are being made daily.

By Shrillery.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The gross negligence of Hillary would disqualify anyone else from having a security position.

Hillary out started Obama by sending him classified info on her server and he never reported her or prosecuted her then. She made him an accessory and her bitch.

Fuck YOU America,

I'm NOT ending like Scalia ,

there is NO way in HELL

I signed up for THIS


1. Comey