Obaminable's War on Cops Continues in Dallas

LexusLover's Avatar
The first salvo ....

.... on to Dallas ....

Randall Creed's Avatar
Seriously dude...

Golovkin's Avatar
Obama didn't force all those racist cops to murder innocent unnarmed citizens. You can only push people so much until they get fed up and start to push back.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is novel idea. Why don't we wait until we have the facts before we start assigning blame or responsibility? I dislike Obama as much as anyone but I doubt that he did this. Same goes for the anti-second amendment people. Wait for the facts to be found out.

I want to know the range of the shots, the snipers nest area, and the actions they took immediately following. Are they experienced, lucky, or something else?
gfejunkie's Avatar

Baton Rough and Minneapolis: The cops did it.

Dallas: The guns did it.
LexusLover's Avatar
You can only push people so much until they get fed up and start to push back. Originally Posted by Golovkin
Yes, you are absolutely correct.

And who is going to win that "pushing match"?

So in your "mind set" ambushing cops who are protecting protesters is "ok"!

Nice to know your "thought" process!

When Obaminable cultivates a hatred for cops with his know-nothing bullshit, there are plenty of empty-headed fools, like you, who take it to heart!
LexusLover's Avatar
Here is novel idea. Why don't we wait until we have the facts before we start assigning blame or responsibility? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let's start with this ....

WTF did the Dallas cops have to do with Louisiana or Minnesota?

They were protecting the people protesting against those killings.

Facts? One or more murders ambush-slaughtered cops doing their job!

What was the cop at the "beer" summit doing ..... when Obaminable criticized him (BEFORE GETTING ALL THE FACTS!)? Doing his job!
Golovkin's Avatar
Yes, you are absolutely correct.

And who is going to win that "pushing match"?

So in your "mind set" ambushing cops who are protecting protesters is "ok"!

Nice to know your "thought" process!

When Obaminable cultivates a hatred for cops with his know-nothing bullshit, there are plenty of empty-headed fools, like you, who take it to heart! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Why did you put "ok" in quotes? Who were you quoting?

Please explain how Obama cultivates hatred for cops.

I didn't say it's ok to to ambush cops. I'm just saying you can't just continue to murder people in cold blood day after day and not expect them to retaliate.

The fact that you try to blame this on Obama shows just how far out of touch with reality you are.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
BO and the Dims are racial shit stirrers.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama didn't force all those racist cops to murder innocent unnarmed citizens. You can only push people so much until they get fed up and start to push back. Originally Posted by Golovkin
Cite where anyone has been convicted of murder. Your whole POV and the BLM is based on lies perpetuated by race-baiting liars.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Cite where anyone has been convicted of murder. Your whole POV and the BLM is based on lies perpetuated by race-baiting liars. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh, please. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Trying to use a play on words to make a bullshit point. Who was 'convicted' of murder. Just because there was no conviction doesn't mean there weren't murders, you piece of shit.

Fuckers on video killing, and still don't get convicted. Oh, but there's nothing wrong here according to you dipshits. Fuck outta here with that bullshit!!
Cite where anyone has been convicted of murder. Your whole POV and the BLM is based on lies perpetuated by race-baiting liars. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And speaking of race-baiting liars, wonder if the Injustice Department will muscle into the Dallas situation with an eye toward blaming the DPD for this happening and to exonorate the shooters ? Hope there aren't any " Baltimore-type " prosecutors that Loretta Lynch can use to smear the dead police officers. How long will it take for Al Sharptounge or Jesse Jackson to offer their " help " to the shooters and proclaim that they " Dindu Nuffin " ? " An it "gotsta " be da fault of the POleese " !!! Like " Dey was AXIN fo it " , right libs !!!
Randall Creed's Avatar
And speaking of race-baiting liars, wonder if the Injustice Department will muscle into the Dallas situation with an eye toward blaming the DPD for this happening and to exonorate the shooters ? Hope there aren't any " Baltimore-type " prosecutors that Loretta Lynch can use to smear the dead police officers. How long will it take for Al Sharptounge or Jesse Jackson to offer their " help " to the shooters and proclaim that they " Dindu Nuffin " ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
The bullshit plot thickens.

Only a matter of time before Sharpton and Jesse were mentioned.

Congratulations. You win the Internet for the day.
Golovkin's Avatar
Cite where anyone has been convicted of murder. Your whole POV and the BLM is based on lies perpetuated by race-baiting liars. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

That's the whole problem, they're not being convicted!

They're getting away with murder!

And when the justice system repeatedly fails to serve justice citizens are left to retaliate by any means necessary.

What other choice do they have? Just sit back and continue to be murdered in the street?
The bullshit plot thickens.

Only a matter of time before Sharpton and Jesse were mentioned.

Congratulations. You win the Internet for the day. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Well , Sharptounge and Jackson have made their money ( for which Sharptounge pays NO taxes on ! ) off of injecting themselves into situations and inflaming emotions for THEIR profit. Tawana Brawley, anyone ? Ferguson, anyone ? Oh, that's right, the Tawana Brawley case was found to have been a LIE !!!!!! But keep up YOUR strong campaign for the sites DOTY award ! You are off to a strong start against some seasoned professionals. but it sure looks like YOU could be a winner !