Word substitution bot for replacing trite review sayings

I just want to bother the programmer with my "create a bot or whatever the hell it is that would automatically substitute more interesting turns of phrase for trite sayings that are always in reviews" idea.

Imagine a world where every "responsive nipples just begging to be nibbled" is replaced with one of about a dozen just as factually accurate, but more colorful sayings penned by Miss Valentina.

Mr. (or Ms.!) Eccie Programmer person...

1) Is it possible or would it break ECCIE in a fundamental way that you couldn't get around?

2) Would you do it if it is possible?

3) Since I have your attention can you also implement more "eccie custom skins/themes"? and maybe add the ability to "tag" people's profiles with info about them that only the account owner can see? The notes section is nice but it would be better to be able to mark people privately like on reddit with "mandle- actually is so and so" or "in so n so's pimp stable"- the tags could be short and seen only by the account owner just like reddit so no drama. Maybe the tags could go in the spots that usually say "verified provider" or "valued poster"?