The sky is blue...

mastermind238's Avatar
Now let's see how long it takes certain members to call me a fucking moron because everybody who's anybody in Hobbyland knows the sky is grey and has cottage cheese thighs.
Texasquest's Avatar
Too Funny !!!!!

Now you have to admit this one was a little weak...but.....lets go for it...

Actually in Austin it is Grayest due to cloud cover...

College Station has the same....

Las Vegas is indeed bright blue due to no cloud cover, at least from a conversation with a friend that is there now....

Just called one of my employees in Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope and he didn't say what the sky looked like, but it was fucking cold at minus 11 degrees. No reports on Cottage Cheese thou....
Texasquest's Avatar
At -11 that isnt cottage cheese..its called "SHRINKAGE"
mastermind238's Avatar
That's more like it!
Now let's see how long it takes certain members to call me a fucking moron because everybody who's anybody in Hobbyland knows the sky is grey and has cottage cheese thighs. Originally Posted by mastermind238

I am constantly amazed at how lots of people are so unhappy with the "negativity" on this board, and yet some of those same people will make posts like this one that figuratively "wave the red flag in front of the bull".
You are all free to post what you like, but DO NOT come crying or push the RTM button when the bull tramples you after inviting trouble with a post like this.

Truthfully, some people have no idea what color the sky is because they have their head so far up their ass they haven't seen it in a long time.

+ fucking 1 Spacemtn!
mastermind238's Avatar
Honestly, I expected Sixx or Whispers to be the first to respond so negatively. It was they who seem to make a living in the boards being contentious, argumentative and just plain nasty. The point, of course, is that only somebody looking for a fight would take the time to dispute such a benign statement as "the sky is blue." I didn't expect it from a moderator.

So what good would it do for me to RTM YOU for telling me I have my head up my ass?

I am constantly amazed at how lots of people are so unhappy with the "negativity" on this board, and yet some of those same people will make posts like this one that figuratively "wave the red flag in front of the bull".
You are all free to post what you like, but DO NOT come crying or push the RTM button when the bull tramples you after inviting trouble with a post like this.

Truthfully, some people have no idea what color the sky is because they have their head so far up their ass they haven't seen it in a long time.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Mature Companion's Avatar
All one has to do is look into my eyes and they'll KNOW what color the sky is!

Truthfully, some people have no idea what color the sky is because they have their head so far up their ass they haven't seen it in a long time.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
All one has to do is look into my eyes and they'll KNOW what color the sky is! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Ain't that the thruth!!!!!!

Honestly, I expected Sixx or Whispers to be the first to respond so negatively. It was they who seem to make a living in the boards being contentious, argumentative and just plain nasty. The point, of course, is that only somebody looking for a fight would take the time to dispute such a benign statement as "the sky is blue." I didn't expect it from a moderator.

So what good would it do for me to RTM YOU for telling me I have my head up my ass? Originally Posted by mastermind238
I did not mention you specifically. If the shoe fits, wear it. I am generally ill-tempered when people go out of their way to make my wonderful volunteer job harder.
The point is you posted this to specifically elicit a negative reaction from other board members as per your statement above, and then are aghast that you get what you were clearly seeking. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?
However, in fairness, you can report me to the admins or the owners if you desire.

deedeedoe62's Avatar
All one has to do is look into my eyes and they'll KNOW what color the sky is! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
I think I'd be so mezmerized that I wouldn't be looking into your eyes WMILF
mastermind238's Avatar
Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? Originally Posted by Spacemtn
How can there BE a solution of even moderators will not acknowledge that there IS a problem and identify who the true troublemakers are?

However, in fairness, you can report me to the admins or the owners if you desire. Originally Posted by Spacemtn

As you wish.
How can there BE a solution of even moderators will not acknowledge that there IS a problem and identify who the true troublemakers are?

As you wish. Originally Posted by mastermind238
Interesting thought as it seems that none of the troublemakers (as indicated by you in your earlier post) have even posted in this thread! So I ask, who is causing the trouble????

I repeat my earlier offer, throw your name in the ring. The owners are looking for 1-2 (maybe 3 now that I have been reported) Mods for the Austin Board. Jump in and be a part of the difference.

Maybe I am missing something here but how is stating "has cottage cheese thighs." When we all know who has been bashing a certain lady (who is banned now) not starting trouble?