Help. Who's the blonde in the banner ad??? She's smoking

So, I keep seeing this banner ad, it's a gif with this smoking hot blonde riding the shit out of someone. It's always the very first banner above the forum info on the right. I keep getting distracted by it when I'm looking through the site, and I'd really like to get her name or a link to that video would be awesome. Any help is appreciated.

Wakeup's Avatar
Brandi Love...
I believe she is on 411
Thanks for the info guys, I really appreciate it.

Zero I don't have a 411 account but I think after watching a few vids of her I might have to create one and look her up.

Thanks gents
Golovkin's Avatar
That's a bad b*tch.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I wanna know who the one in the "don't jerk off yet" banner ad dammit lol.
sharkman29's Avatar
Ok, Dorian, how about some Gif's of Brandi Love. She looks hot! Does she escort on the side?
ramblinman69's Avatar
Ok, Dorian, how about some Gif's of Brandi Love. She looks hot! Does she escort on the side? Originally Posted by sharkman29
Yes she does, for $2000 an hour:

EA, that is the girl in the "don't jerk off yet" ad unless there's another one.

Damn 2k an hour?? Not sure if I want it that bad.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
EA, that is the girl in the "don't jerk off yet" ad unless there's another one.

Damn 2k an hour?? Not sure if I want it that bad. Originally Posted by Homerpimpson

You can also get her for $1500 if the timing is right. The right pornstar can be a real treat and she is. ;-)
O'Mike's Avatar
Is this the one you guys are talking about?

FrontRunner's Avatar
This is the video that ad is from. Scene 4:
Yes she does, for $2000 an hour: Originally Posted by ramblinman69
For that type of coin, I hope she can take a dick better than she did in this video
She is definitely one fine looking woman. If I was Donald J. Trump I would be tapping that shitter daily.
gimme_that's Avatar
Yep she bad chick. When I think provider in her fourties this is the look and agility I'm looking for. For that price of admission she would be riding on top getting pounded for damn sure.

Anyone got a link to that p411 link? Anyone seen her in person for a session?