<--- That's me atm.
Yall are great Wonderful. I have been happier than I have been in years. Its rather unfortunate that we have to be so careful.
This likely should be posted in the powder room, but I dont have access yet, so it is here. I enjoy playing and having fun, but with the two active posts in alerts by star and landman Im thinking I just need to keep my hands in my own pants. I dont like this "they are using informants to send in session cus they can do whatever with you than vice bustes in to catch you." posted yesterday.
With that said Im not here for the $$ tho I do get to do really goofy things with it and doing that makes me even goofier *grin* But even if that wasnt there... if I went to see a gentleman and there was no exchange of money or gifts or anything of the sort could I still get into trouble?
I think Im done before I even really got started
And what makes me most angry is that I spent three hours making my signature last night