Friendly privacy reminder

I'm sure most people here don't have this problem but I've recently had a few providers pop up in social media through their work numbers. Be sure to have a work number separate from your social media presence. If you can't afford a burner phone at least use an internet phone. There are several apps that will let you talk and text safely either freely or very cheaply.
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Also, if you use google voice do not allow it to integrate with your phone or use your contacts. If you do, don't be surprised when hobby stuff starts showing up on your Facebook. Even if you don't use Facebook on your phone so many apps cooperate with FB it will still happen.
I mean ideally you shouldn't be using google anything when you're looking at hobby related stuff. Even for the browser you should use firefox with things like ghostery on it. But google especially are pretty bad about tracking.

There are enough free apps out there that this shouldn't be much of a problem, though I understand having a stable number is helpful to providers being available to old clients.