Vote for DT
Passion2015's Avatar
Hearing the truth hurts a lot of politicians. Hell, look at the DNC chair lady. You know she was the fall guy for the Clinton's. Corruption at its best.
Puccipleaser's Avatar
I will always vote for Deep Throat!!!! ������������

Anyone who doesn't is unpatriotic!!!
I will always vote for Deep Throat!!!! ������������
Anyone who doesn't is unpatriotic!!! Originally Posted by Puccipleaser
Fully Agree. You can run that up the flag pole and everyone will happily salute.

And from the Trumpette, that DNC is really spreading love and joy,huh? And oh so much unity. Corruption on full display for all to see at the DNC.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 07-25-2016, 10:59 PM
I keep seeing Dems talk about "the chaos in Cleveland". Happy that everything is fine with THEM but there are still 3 more days to go. We'll have to see how much Love is still left by then.
And from the Trumpette, that DNC is really spreading love and joy,huh? And oh so much unity. Corruption on full display for all to see at the DNC. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Psychology has a word for what they are doing...projection. Everything they claim someone else is doing, they are knee-deep in.

I know it is too much to hope that Trump gets some of the "Bernie bros" on-board, but at least they can go give someone like Jill Stein some love.
FWR's Avatar
  • FWR
  • 07-26-2016, 05:43 AM
Trump Sucks, Clinton Sucks, glad to be a Libertarian and voting for Gary Johnson, former gov on New Mexico
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And from the Trumpette, that DNC is really spreading love and joy,huh? And oh so much unity. Corruption on full display for all to see at the DNC. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Speeches were fantastic. Michelle, Booker, Warren, Even old Bernie. First day of RNC gave us??? Scott Baio? Day 1 definitely to the Democrats.
Passion2015's Avatar
Well that's a wasted vote FWR. But hell, at least your voting.
Hmmmmmmm, well, at least the RNC had their chairman on day one

Speeches were fantastic. Michelle, Booker, Warren, Even old Bernie. First day of RNC gave us??? Scott Baio? Day 1 definitely to the Democrats. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hmmmmmmm, well, at least the RNC had their chairman on day one Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
It was a good night for the Dems, not a great one.
skinNmembrain's Avatar
Speeches were fantastic. Michelle, Booker, Warren, Even old Bernie. First day of RNC gave us??? Scott Baio? Day 1 definitely to the Democrats. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Lifelong Democrat here from a long line of Democrats but you're all wet here friend. I like Sanders but Michelle Obama and Lizzie Warren are limp and corrupt just like Hilary. This Convention is a disaster. It's a coronation of the worst person in the entire party and we all know it. At least the Republicans had speeches by passionate people like Giuliani and others. And they let Cruz speak in dissent. Do you think the Dem Convention will let anyone speak in dissent? Do you think they would have let Sanders speak if he would have failed to endorse Hilary? Zieg Heil to the New Democrats.
I'll hand it to Bernie. He was correct about the DNC. Hey all you Bernie supporters - there is still room on the Trump Train. Although, I think alot of Bernie supporters will stay home. Surely, they would not want to vote for Evilina, no matter what Bernie tells them to do. If I were a Bernie supporter I would be so pissed off but Thank God I'm

Lifelong Democrat here from a long line of Democrats but you're all wet here friend. I like Sanders but Michelle Obama and Lizzie Warren are limp and corrupt just like Hilary. This Convention is a disaster. It's a coronation of the worst person in the entire party and we all know it. At least the Republicans had speeches by passionate people like Giuliani and others. And they let Cruz speak in dissent. Do you think the Dem Convention will let anyone speak in dissent? Do you think they would have let Sanders speak if he would have failed to endorse Hilary? Zieg Heil to the New Democrats. Originally Posted by skinNmembrain
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Lifelong Democrat here from a long line of Democrats but you're all wet here friend. I like Sanders but Michelle Obama and Lizzie Warren are limp and corrupt just like Hilary. This Convention is a disaster. It's a coronation of the worst person in the entire party and we all know it. At least the Republicans had speeches by passionate people like Giuliani and others. And they let Cruz speak in dissent. Do you think the Dem Convention will let anyone speak in dissent? Do you think they would have let Sanders speak if he would have failed to endorse Hilary? Zieg Heil to the New Democrats. Originally Posted by skinNmembrain
I was a lifelong Republican until my 401k went south with Bush in office and Republicans gave us a ticket of McCain/Palin. Can you imagine Sarah Palin as President of the U.S. had they been elected and something happened to McCain? So for the first time in my life I voted Democrat with Obama. 401k restored. BTW, I am voting for Gary Johnson.

Michelle Obama's speech has been rated as one of the all-time bests. Booker's speech, in my opinion, blew the roof off the building. I guess we'll just have to live with a difference of opinion.