Koch Brothers Exposed! Citizens United Must Be Overturned!

Koch Brothers are the ones that created and organized Citizens United in order to further their interests and actually change policies and laws in the White House. They do this by giving huge donations to representatives and Justices who actually change the law in their favor. These laws effect our lives in an adverse way and we have no control over it. Please watch this video and share. This is the reason Citizens United must be overturned! Republicans, independents, and Democrats all want this organization abolished. The organization has far too much control over all our lives and America for that matter.

Hillary Clinton will work to get this organization overturned when she is elected!

  • DSK
  • 07-27-2016, 08:39 AM
Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee!
Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee! Originally Posted by DSK
What does the above post have to do with the Koch Brothers creating Citizens United in an effort to literally "buy a government"? It's a disgusting and dirty way to stomp on the American people just to fill a voracious need for greed and power.

It's corporate fascism in every sense of the word.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Such outrage. My, my. Tsk, tsk.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You mean like Solyndra and the guys that took the 5th because they stole our money?
You mean like the guys on Wall Street that support Hillary?
You mean like the Clinton Crime Foundation and the illegal money laundering they do?
You mean like Warren Buffet and how he crushed the pipeline because it would put his choo choo train that derails polluting the environment out of business?
You mean like Solyndra and the guys that took the 5th because they stole our money?
You mean like the guys on Wall Street that support Hillary?
You mean like the Clinton Crime Foundation and the illegal money laundering they do?
You mean like Warren Buffet and how he crushed the pipeline because it would put his choo choo train that derails polluting the environment out of business? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You mean like the way Trump filed all those bankruptcies and failed to pay his workers? You mean like the way Trump cheated poor people, single mothers, and seniors out of their life savings by scamming them through the phoney college deal? You can't prove Hillary did anything illegal. Everyone knows what the Koch Brothers are famous for. And it's not nice. It's downright dirty, filthy, and stomps on the American people just for the sake of greed. You haven't got a leg to stand on. And neither does the GOP party. Not anymore. The gig is up!
  • DSK
  • 07-27-2016, 08:47 PM
You mean like Solyndra and the guys that took the 5th because they stole our money?
You mean like the guys on Wall Street that support Hillary?
You mean like the Clinton Crime Foundation and the illegal money laundering they do?
You mean like Warren Buffet and how he crushed the pipeline because it would put his choo choo train that derails polluting the environment out of business? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Just like that, yes!
  • DSK
  • 07-27-2016, 08:51 PM
What does the above post have to do with the Koch Brothers creating Citizens United in an effort to literally "buy a government"? It's a disgusting and dirty way to stomp on the American people just to fill a voracious need for greed and power.

It's corporate fascism in every sense of the word. Originally Posted by SassySue
They were exercising free speech, just like we are doing here.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm serious. Why is it ok for George Soros to buy the government, but not the Koch Brothers? The Koch's can't come close to Soros and his cartel, who already own a substantial part of our government, including Hillary Clinton. Why is that ok? Why no complaints about Soros?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like Sassy Sue is banned.