Drumpf is a TRAITOR!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy. Chit.


Donald Trump asks Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

By Ashley Parker THE NEW YORK TIMES JULY 27, 2016
DORAL, Fla. — Donald Trump said Wednesday that he hoped Russia had hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, essentially sanctioning a foreign power’s cyberspying of a secretary of state’s correspondence.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, staring directly into the cameras. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Trump’s call was an extraordinary moment at a time when Russia is being accused of meddling in the U.S. presidential election. His comments came amid questions about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer servers, which researchers have concluded was likely the work of two Russian intelligence agencies.

Later in the news conference, when asked if he was really urging a foreign nation to hack into the private email server of Clinton, or at least meddle in the nation’s elections, he dismissed the question. “That’s up to the president,” Trump said, before finally telling the female questioner to “be quiet — let the president talk to them.”

Trump has largely dismissed assertions that Russia was behind the Democratic committee breach as conspiracy theories — a view he reiterated again when he said the hack “is probably not Russia.”

But at the news conference at one of his Florida golf courses, as the third day of the Democratic National Convention was set to begin in Philadelphia, the Republican presidential nominee refused to unequivocally call on Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, to not meddle in the U.S. presidential election.

“I’m not going to tell Putin what to do,” Trump said. “Why should I tell Putin what to do?”

He added that if Russia, or any foreign government, is, in fact, behind the hack, it simply shows just how little respect other nations have for the current administration.

“President Trump would be so much better for U.S. relations” than a President Clinton, Trump said. “I don’t think he respects Clinton.”
gfejunkie's Avatar
Hook...Line... and sinker.
Trump "will have more flexibility after the election."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, he'll be back in business scamming people.

Did you take the bet, turdy?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It would be hilarious if The Russians and WikiLeaks could find all of those EMails that our own FBI couldn't find.

It looks like Julian Assange has a major beef with The Hildebeast. He's probably got the goods, and will crucify her at the most opportune time.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hack what emails, no emails exist. They were wiped, you know like with a dust rag a couple of years ago.
I thinck what you failed to understand is he wants the emails the Russians hacked from her emails a couple of years ago.

Never mind, you wouldn't understand.
It would be hilarious if The Russians and WikiLeaks could find all of those EMails that our own FBI couldn't find.

It looks like Julian Assange has a major beef with The Hildebeast. He's probably got the goods, and will crucify her at the most opportune time. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's fun watching the Clinton's and their followers squirm. I hope Assange drops a big ,stinking load on the bitch !
gfejunkie's Avatar
It's fun watching the Clinton's and their followers squirm. I hope Assange drops a big ,stinking load on the bitch ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Oh, he will.
Oh, he will. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Can I get a " visual " of that " dump " on shrilLIARy ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you boyz is all in with Putin?

Thought so.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So you boyz is all in with Putin?

Thought so.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
hildebeest would be the treasonous bitch who shared Top Secret classified information with Putin, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
It's all over the news and just makes him look bad. Even CIA intelligence and other national security officials are alarmed he would even make remarks such as this, and on public television straight into the camera! It makes people wonder whose side he is on. Are we voting for an American President or a puppet for Putin? Makes you wonder. Even other countries are wondering and it makes them nervous, especially when you also thrown in his comments about NATO.