Trump Is Dangerously Incompetent on National Security

His promise to abandon NATO allies is a huge gift to Russia and China.

If Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping read the New York Times on Thursday morning, they must be hoping and praying for the election of Donald Trump. And if serious Republicans read the same paper, they must be sickened with fear—if they weren’t nauseated already—that their party’s presidential nominee is a threat to national security.

Full article:
gfejunkie's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He didn't say let alone promise to abandon NATO.

Keep trying.
LexusLover's Avatar
He didn't say let alone promise to abandon NATO.

Keep trying. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
She knows he didn't say that ....

.... she is throwing shit against the wall to see if it sticks.

It only sticks to her hands. She'll get the junks off, but not the stink.
gfejunkie's Avatar
He didn't say let alone promise to abandon NATO.

Keep trying. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It's Slate. They lie. The OP is a spammer!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Drumpf is a fucking liability to our freedom. On every fucking level!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Exactly what freedoms will he take from you? I want to know.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep;, I want to know as well.


Seriously, are you getting paid by the post or is it just a base amount.
I am thincking it is by the post.
Exactly what freedoms will he take from you? I want to know. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Assup is afeared that his gloryhole operation will be raided and shut down .
LexusLover's Avatar
OP: "Trump Is Dangerously Incompetent on National Security"

I can "feel" your pain ....

The minor details can really screw up a fun afternoon on the course!!!

Go FUCK yourself you lying Sissy 0zombie Sucker...

President Obama has surrounded himself not with military strategists but rather with fiction writers, wide-eyed diplomats whose strategy is "don't do stupid shit," and law enforcement officials who believe that "Our most effective response to terror and hatred is compassion, unity and love."

Only "rightwing extremism" is obvious to the Obama Administration. Everything else is apparently too complex and nuanced for labels. Even Micah Xavier Johnson, who said that he was motivated by "Black Lives Matters" rhetoric and hatred of white people, is a conundrum to the president, who bizarrely asserted that it is "hard to untangle the motives of this shooter."

The Obama era is one of willful blindness to the jihadist movement that has declared war on America. CIA Director John Brennan purged the word "jihad" from the agency's vocabulary. Obama's two Attorneys General have done the same at the Department of Justice.

The federal government has spent the last 8 years pretending that "rightwing extremists" are more numerous and dangerous than the careful and intelligent jihadist attackers, whom it insists are just "madmen" or "troubled individuals."

He didn't say let alone promise to abandon NATO.

Keep trying. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Oh, come on, he keeps saying, on more than one occasion, if the other countries don't jump in and help pay, we won't assist them if ISIS attacks. You are evidently not reading the numerous articles. He wants to destroy the alliances we have with NATO and would probably do it in a heartbeat once he steps into office with his reckless and destructive ways. He's exactly what Putin and China want! Use your head!

Donald Trump shocked foreign-policy professionals and observers when he remarked to The New York Times that if he were president, the United States might not come to the defense of an attacked NATO ally that hadn’t fulfilled its “obligation to make payments.” The remark broke with decades of bipartisan commitment to the alliance and, as Jeffrey Goldberg wrote in The Atlantic, aligned well with the interests of Russia, whose ambitions NATO was founded largely to contain. One Republican in Congress openly wondered whether his party’s nominee could be “seemingly so pro-Russia” because of “connections and contracts and things from the past or whatever.”

Full article:

Even John McCain says his policies are downright dangerous for the country.
LexusLover's Avatar
Oh, come on, he keeps saying, on more than one occasion, if the other countries don't jump in and help pay, we won't assist them if ISIS attacks. Originally Posted by SassySue
#1: That's not getting out of NATO.
#2: He's correct about making them pay their "fair share"!

You all whine about the U.S. not being the policemen of the world, then you whine when a candidate says ... pay or don't expect help!!!

Which is it?

Now you call him "dangerous" ....

..... we do most of the heavy lifting around the World anyway, with the French doing it in Africa. Who do you think pays for all that shit?
lustylad's Avatar
Oh, come on, he keeps saying, on more than one occasion, if the other countries don't jump in and help pay, we won't assist them if ISIS attacks... Originally Posted by SassySue
Gee, I always thought the Baltic states joined NATO to ward off the Russians. Boy, was I wrong! They're worried about ISIS!

Thanks for straightening us out, SassyPoo!

Please stop misquoting all the time. ISIS isn't even mentioned in your link to the Atlantic article. Get it right if you want to criticize Trump intelligently.