Should he or shouldn't he?

TheDaliLama's Avatar

Click Like if you think he should....
I B Hankering's Avatar

Click Like if you think he should.... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Assange dumped some DNC voice mails tonight ... just before Odumbo began to speak.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The only thing that surprises me about you douche-bags using the intelligence service of a country with a political system that is the sworn enemy of our way of life is that you waited this long to do it.

All they have to do is make up what you want to see. Because you'll believe anything at this point that is negative about Clinton. They'll flood you with the 30000 emails trump asked for, the 30000 that there is no way to tell if they are true or if they are part of a psy-op.

You will do their work for them.

They will sell you a bill of goods that you will use to hang us with.(loosely based on a purported quote by Lenin).

I have no trouble believing that you would do it to put trump in the White House. That couldn't be less of a surprise.

Click Like if you think he should.... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Munchmasterman's Avatar
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7 useful idiots and counting.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The only thing that surprises me about you douche-bags using the intelligence service of a country with a political system that is the sworn enemy of our way of life is that you waited this long to do it.

All they have to do is make up what you want to see. Because you'll believe anything at this point that is negative about Clinton. They'll flood you with the 30000 emails trump asked for, the 30000 that there is no way to tell if they are true or if they are part of a psy-op.

You will do their work for them.

They will sell you a bill of goods that you will use to hang us with.(loosely based on a purported quote by Lenin).

I have no trouble believing that you would do it to put trump in the White House. That couldn't be less of a surprise.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
For two years, lib-retards like you have been claiming "there's no proof" hildebeest did anything wrong, masterdickmuncher, and here you are with even less proof claiming the Russians did something wrong. hildebeest should be in the big house, masterdickmuncher, not the white house. You dim-retards should have picked a different candidate, masterdickmuncher. And if Odumbo, his DOJ, the FBI and the lame-stream media are going to manipulate evidence and an election, masterdickmuncher; then hooray for Assange, and you can take your hypocritical notion of right and wrong and go fuck yourself.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Oh btw, they ripped Drumpf's legs off tonight and shoved them up his ass.

He'll blow himself up. And we'll be safe.
lustylad's Avatar
The only thing that surprises me about you douche-bags using the intelligence service of a country with a political system that is the sworn enemy of our way of life is that you waited this long to do it.

All they have to do is make up what you want to see. Because you'll believe anything at this point that is negative about Clinton. They'll flood you with the 30000 emails trump asked for, the 30000 that there is no way to tell if they are true or if they are part of a psy-op.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Are you an IT expert, dickmuncher? Didn't think so. The DNC blamed Russians for hacking their email based on digital fingerprints. Did you notice how they didn't deny the leaked emails are real? Pooty-poot can't possibly make up 30,000 fake emails without being exposed. Names, dates, content, style, digital markers would all have to fit together perfectly and be consistent with everyone else's email archives. It wouldn't take the NSA or the FBI more than 5 seconds to figure it out, blow the whistle and yell foul.

You're the douchebag who will believe anything.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Are you an IT expert, dickmuncher? Didn't think so. The DNC blamed Russians for hacking their email based on digital fingerprints. Did you notice how they didn't deny the leaked emails are real? Pooty-poot can't possibly make up 30,000 fake emails without being exposed. Names, dates, content, style, digital markers would all have to fit together perfectly and be consistent with everyone else's email archives. It wouldn't take the NSA or the FBI more than 5 seconds to figure it out, blow the whistle and yell foul.

You're the douchebag who will believe anything.
Originally Posted by lustylad
First off anus breath, who said they had to fake 30000? That's plain stupid. But they could easily make up 5 or ten needed to convince skeptical, poorly educated supporters.
We both know it would only take 1 for you.

Here is a little something to read while you're cleansing your mom.

Attached Images File Type: jpg hack 1.jpg (164.8 KB, 44 views) File Type: jpg hack 2.jpg (182.9 KB, 43 views) File Type: jpg hack 3.jpg (201.3 KB, 45 views) File Type: jpg hack 4.jpg (153.5 KB, 43 views) File Type: jpg hack 5.jpg (198.2 KB, 45 views) File Type: jpg hack 6.jpg (61.9 KB, 44 views)
LexusLover's Avatar

[SIZE="2"][COLOR="Magenta"][B]March 2012

"Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.

Obama, during talks in Seoul, urged Moscow to give him "space" until after the November ballot, and Medvedev said he would relay the message to incoming Russian president Vladimir Putin.

The unusually frank exchange came as Obama and Medvedev huddled together on the eve of a global nuclear security summit in the South Korean capital, unaware their words were being picked up by microphones as reporters were led into the room.

U.S. plans for an anti-missile shield have bedeviled relations between Washington and Moscow despite Obama's "reset" in ties between the former Cold War foes. Obama's Republican opponents have accused him of being too open to concessions to Russia on the issue.
It's ok to agree with the Russians to leave the NATO countries unprotected from a Russian missile attack (or one from Iran), but for God's sake don't ask the Russians for copies of emails that the SOS doesn't want the voters in the United States to see.......

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Click Like if you think he should.... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
yes, if they have it
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So now, the LLephantMan is all-in with Putin?

You guys are amazing.

I'll miss you all when you lose the bet.

[SIZE="2"][COLOR="Magenta"][B]March 2012

It's ok to agree with the Russians to leave the NATO countries unprotected from a Russian missile attack (or one from Iran), but for God's sake don't ask the Russians for copies of emails that the SOS doesn't want the voters in the United States to see.......

Originally Posted by LexusLover
It'll be OK Lex. The MSM will work with Dems to put a positive spin on a nuclear Holocaust. Settle down!

Politico gots this!
assange is doing a service, shining light on the cockroaches who thought they could be their true selves in secret
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This would not even be a topic if it were not for Hillary violating the law by using her own personal server so she could hide her illegal Clinton Crime Foundation deals.
Putin has plenty of money so I wonder what he is asking for the info.
  • DSK
  • 07-28-2016, 09:40 PM
The only thing that surprises me about you douche-bags using the intelligence service of a country with a political system that is the sworn enemy of our way of life is that you waited this long to do it.

All they have to do is make up what you want to see. Because you'll believe anything at this point that is negative about Clinton. They'll flood you with the 30000 emails trump asked for, the 30000 that there is no way to tell if they are true or if they are part of a psy-op.

You will do their work for them.

They will sell you a bill of goods that you will use to hang us with.(loosely based on a purported quote by Lenin).

I have no trouble believing that you would do it to put trump in the White House. That couldn't be less of a surprise.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
If the Russians offered any kind of evidence that would hurt Mr. Trump, the Democrats would use it.

If the commie Vlad Putin has the goods on Hillary, I'll bet he will hang on to them and hope she gets elected, so he can humiliate her. He plays chess, not checkers.