Overheard at the DNC convention this morning

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
"Okay, all you black people have to go now. We're done with your miserable tales of woe. Hispanics, please leave by the back door. Radicals turn in your Palestinian flags, your Che posters, and your BLM T-shirts.

Tonight is prime time. The only night that regular American will tune in to watch this dog and pony show. We have to give them flags....American flags. We found some next door in the government office building and I'm having them put on stage. We're all going to wave USA posters for the cameras.

We are going to look respectable, happy, and grateful for this one night so the unwashed masses in the country really believe that we are on their side. Where are those two uniformed policemen....we can't afford to look anti-police tonight so put them someplace obvious for the cameras.

Okay, everyone....Magic time! Make everyone believe that you really care. Cameras!"
I haven't watched much. Have they trotted out the union leaders? What about a voice vote on the Dem plank that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel?
I'm watching that lying hag Hillary right now. Fukin' Nausiating.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I'm watching that lying hag Hillary right now. Fukin' Nausiating. Originally Posted by Jackie S
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