Interesting and ironic centennial:

I B Hankering's Avatar
Tonight marks the centennial of the birth of Dadaism, and it's so appropriate that the DNC should this very night be celebrating this symbolic anniversary. “Dada rejected reason and logic, prizing nonsense, irrationality and intuition”: so much in common with today's dim-retards.(Vimeo).

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tonight marks the centennial of the birth of Dadaism, and it's so appropriate that the DNC should this very night be celebrating this symbolic anniversary. “Dada rejected reason and logic, prizing nonsense, irrationality and intuition”: so much in common with today's dim-retards.(Vimeo).

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

It's all 0zombism...

How The Cultural Marxists Of The Frankfurt School Subverted American Education

Perhaps you’ve wondered why so many college professors are so left-wing. In your freshman year, you might have noted with dread—as I did—some of your fellow students “going with the flow” and molding their beliefs to fit in. Perhaps one of them was you, before you grew up and snapped out of it! The Frankfurt School is the answer to why so many universities are Social Justice Warrior factories.

The origins of the Frankfurt School

The Institute for Social Research, associated with the Frankfurt School
They began as a Communist think tank at the Goethe University Frankfurt. They noted that the masses didn’t rise up during the First World War to overthrow capitalism; instead, the citizens fought for their countries. Only Russia became Communist, a place they didn’t expect Communism to take hold. Since they took the writings of Marx as gospel, all this was quite shocking. They decided they needed to prepare the way by breaking down traditional social ties—country, family, and religion—and afterwards the masses would embrace rule by a global Communist state. That’s not working out too well lately, but all that’s another story.

They found themselves unwelcome in Germany during the 1930s, and one of the two reasons was that all of them were Communists. They moved to the USA, settling down in Columbia University. How did they repay the country that gave them refuge? By subverting it, of course. If all this sounds like McCarthyist alarmism, note that the Communists themselves claim them.

Because the proletariat just wasn’t interested in revolution, they rebranded Communism, taking out the elements of class struggle, and adding contributions from Freudian theory. This was a mistake; Communism emphasized hard work and heroism; that much is respectable even if the rest of the ideology is badly flawed. If you compare the Motherland Calls statue to Trigglypuff, you’ll understand.