Hey y'all! I'm looking for an apartment to have for incall location. Maybe in September? It won't be much to start since I don't have a ton of extra furniture just lying around but I figure it will be a start. lol I have 2 locations in mind. One on Viscount and one off of Airway. Which would y'all say would be a better location? Neither's parking lots are visible from the main roads, but not shady either.
Although I haven't been in EP all that long, I think those two locations are both pretty easy to get too, if I remember correctly. Really not that far away for us West-siders, as its pretty much a straight shot on I10 to get there. General area sounds pretty good to me, with my limited knowledge that is.
I think you should be good with either, doesn't sound like they're too far away from eachother since getting from the end of Viscount at Airway to the end of Viscount at I10 is like a 5 minute drive lol.
I'd say the Airway apartment would have the advantage of being on the street you'd take to the airport, so somebody from out of town staying in that area will have a harder time getting lost lol.