To further encourage geysers for geezers...

Fancyinheels's Avatar
I like older gentlemen, mature but mischievous wise guys in my amorous age bracket.

To show how much I cherish venerable experience in life and lust; in appreciation of the thought expounding "only the good die young;" and in recognition that some members of our carnal community may be retired and living on static budgets, I'm now offering a 10% discount to sensual senior citizens (55+), making geysers for geezers more affordable! (Off the top of my already reasonable rates, by the way.)

You fledgling fellows have youth, vitality, and a lot of time to screw and screw up on your side, so STFU and be happy. Seniors deserve a better break than a syrup--sticky special menu at IHOP. (At least my pancakes haven't gone flat. )

Pubic service announcement from an erotically-experienced senior seductress embracing her silver years. That is all.
BIGSEXY7852's Avatar
As mentioned in a previous post you are the GODDESS!!!!

pyramider's Avatar
Does Fancy serve some of those Irish Chihuahua burritos, too?
Oh....and is this threAD in compliance?
Fancyinheels's Avatar

Really?! Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Is that your sarcastic font? If this were IHOP's $5 menu, yes, that would be chump change, but we're in a considerably more expensive diner. My rates (which I didn't mention since that would have been "non-compliant") are already competitive for time, distance, and expenses involved, so I can't cut too thin.

Oh....and is this threAD in compliance? Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I was trying to be a wee bit creative in starting a dialogue about senior Hobbyists and their means, expectations, and limitations, perhaps set a precedent, or at least see how others respond. Several of my awesome regulars are well into their sixties, a couple in their seventies, and I used to see a fellow in his eighties, bless his naughty young-at-heart. They are loyal, wonderful, and still passionate, but have their own circumstances peculiar to aging. Some fellows have been refused by ladies on here solely due to their accumulated years. That's such a shame. Others have asked providers for senior discounts, only to be practically cussed out and haughtily told never to contact said companions again since they "obviously couldn't afford them." Again, a shame. In this instance such a question isn't a sign of disrespect or particularly unreasonable, since seniors get some type of deal near everywhere else. A polite "No" would have sufficed.

It's experimental, the post and the offer, possibly not successful, but no worse
than many other threADS trotted out here.
Some fellows have been refused by ladies on here solely due to their accumulated years. That's such a shame.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Older gents are where it's at. Not to say I wouldn't or don't see younger ones, but I've never had an age limit (high or low) and I've always had a good time.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Does Fancy serve some of those Irish Chihuahua burritos, too? Originally Posted by pyramider

All beef burritos here, chimichanga.
pyramider's Avatar
What about Irish Chihuahua volcanoes?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
What about Irish Chihuahua volcanoes? Originally Posted by pyramider
Yes. We throw trolls in as sacrifices, and make cats carry them up.
dearhunter's Avatar
Shouldn't this be in your newbie friendly ISO ad section?

You are discussing discounted rates. It is a violation.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Shouldn't this be in your newbie friendly ISO ad section?

You are discussing discounted rates. It is a violation. Originally Posted by dearhunter
One has naught to do with the other.

I reread the guideline thread stickied at the top of the Coed forum ( and don't think I stepped wrong; I didn't post specific rates or availability, didn't actively solicit appointments, and didn't mention services or even acronyms, but if I have committed a violation, then I will quietly take whatever points are allotted me, meekly apologize, and never repeat.

My intentions were stated above, but like they say, paving the road to Hell and all that.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Not to steal your shine, but I too offer something close to this ....

I charge all Camaro and Challenger owners an addition $50. So if you happen to drive either one of those, please adjust your donation accordingly.

And if you plan on telling me how great your car is during our time together, you'll need to book at least 3 hours to give me time to absorb your BS.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar

You are discussing discounted rates. It is a violation. Originally Posted by dearhunter
How about we go after this one instead ....

3 provider ads in Houston in 3 days? Really? Hell, she posted 2 today alone.
It is a violation. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Meanwhile, gents left and right hijack threads, and name call all the time, yet are never reprimanded for it.