A funny thing happened while watching the new Star Trek...

....it was the start of my turnaround! FINALLY got & made the breaks I needed, and it happened faster than I ever expected!

Anyway, had a shitty weekend a couple of weeks ago, got screwed over royally by someone I thought I could trust...and decided to go see the new Star Trek at the 10pm showing when I thought it would be mostly empty. There was only one other guy there and after the movie, I recognized him as my 2nd largest customer that had dropped my services about a year ago. Turns out he never meant to terminate my service and still owed me almost 4 grand. He said meet me in my office tomorrow afternoon and let's get this settled. He paid the full sum that I had already written off and restored full services....with an almost 10% increase in services!

The week only got better from there. I had a long struggle with my divorce...the paralegal screwed the pooch on that one...she got fired and I got my divorce on Friday. Celebrated later that day with Miss39402 then slept all day Saturday. Sunday came, emailed the person that messed me up to get a clarification, no answer so I wrote them off, blocked them from contacting me and reported the gun of mine they still have as stolen to their local police. Hope they aren't stupid enough to try to sell it.... hehehehe

Long read but so what? Maybe someone here needs to know there's light at the end of the tunnel so take my happy ending to several problems and realize it could just as easily for you. And I hope you have even better results that I did...seriously!

Now I need to go play with several ladies I've been eyeing for some time....
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! SO nice to hear happy news!
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Have a great week baby!!!!!!!!

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