Anti-Trump Republicans Begin Lining Up Behind Clinton

"This is about saving the Republican Party"

Republicans unable to countenance Donald Trump as the next commander in chief are increasingly lining up behind Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, saying they are putting patriotism above party.

The roster of sudden converts ranges from retiring pols opposed to enabling a first-time candidate “deeply flawed in endless ways” to public officials who have championed conservative values since the early 1980s.

On Tuesday, the first sitting GOP congressman, Richard Hanna of New York, announced he would vote for Clinton.

George W. Bush administration vets John Stubbs and Ricardo Reyes have not only broken ranks out of disgust with Trump, they are actively recruiting others to get on board with Clinton — while still voting for GOP candidates further down the ballot.

“His proposal to fortress America and design our foreign policy around isolationism is utterly reckless,” Stubbs warned.

The pair traveled last week to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia to build upon the nascent “Republicans for Clinton ” campaign.

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Has anyone thought of how a Trump presidency would bring the senate and house, repubs and dems in agreement for a change? As in: "Fuck no, you're not getting what you want, dufus."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Drumpf doesn't understand what he's doing.

Pathological narcissist.

He will continue to, well, be himself, until he convinces EVERYBODY, that he can't be allowed to sit in the Oval.

GOP is gripping real hard. Don't be surprised to see some official party switching....
Has anyone thought of how a Trump presidency would bring the senate and house, repubs and dems in agreement for a change? As in: "Fuck no, you're not getting what you want, dufus." Originally Posted by Prolongus
The republicans already did that! They blocked numerous bills Obama tried to pass. The Koch Brothers only really care about keeping control of the Senate, not whether Trump wins the Presidency. They would not donate any money to his campaign, only money to senators running for re-election in the White House.
Obama wants to pass the TPP, but Hillary and Trump do not. They are actually in agreement about that. I saw an article about it on the internet. I don't think it should pass.

I think a lot of conservative republicans are being turned off by the extreme right wing GOP party ideology and moving more toward the center now. McCain is like that and a lot of extreme right wing GOP want to get him out and/or not re-elected for that reason, from what I have read. If more and more conservative republicans move toward the center, we could become a one party system eventually. There are many things democrats are willing to compromise on and they can also move a little more to the center.
LexusLover's Avatar
If they want Hillary, then I guess they'll get Hillary.

I will remain tone deaf to their whining...... and it looks like he'll lose about 15-20 votes.

Isn't that about how many of the establishment Republicans said they wouldn't vote for him?

Democrats are judging the electorate by their own standards ...

... for decades they've been able to rely on the minority sheep to vote for them no matter how little they really care about them in the intervening four years after they vote. One day they'll wake up ... but in the meantime they deserve for what they vote!

If you want the Bonnie and Clyde of politics .... then by all means vote for the ..

..... sexual predator and draft dodger along with his facilitating "little girl"!

"This is about saving the Republican Party"

Republicans unable to countenance Donald Trump as the next commander in chief are increasingly lining up behind Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, saying they are putting patriotism above party.

The roster of sudden converts ranges from retiring pols opposed to enabling a first-time candidate “deeply flawed in endless ways” to public officials who have championed conservative values since the early 1980s.

On Tuesday, the first sitting GOP congressman, Richard Hanna of New York, announced he would vote for Clinton.

George W. Bush administration vets John Stubbs and Ricardo Reyes have not only broken ranks out of disgust with Trump, they are actively recruiting others to get on board with Clinton — while still voting for GOP candidates further down the ballot.

“His proposal to fortress America and design our foreign policy around isolationism is utterly reckless,” Stubbs warned.

The pair traveled last week to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia to build upon the nascent “Republicans for Clinton ” campaign.

See more at: Originally Posted by OverEasy
The fact that these so called "Republicans" are willing to allow a dispicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt to get into the Oval Office says more about them than anything I could comment on.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Any bets on Overeasy?
If they want Hillary, then I guess they'll get Hillary.

I will remain tone deaf to their whining...... and it looks like he'll lose about 15-20 votes.

Isn't that about how many of the establishment Republicans said they wouldn't vote for him? Originally Posted by LexusLover

It's still early, sir. Three more months of Trump barfing in his mouth and stepping on his dick might persuade more Repubes to jump ship.

And I don't want that fat, creepy, self-entitled bag of shit HILDABEAST to be POTUS any more than you do.
LexusLover's Avatar
And I don't want that fat, creepy, self-entitled bag of shit HILDABEAST to be POTUS any more than you do. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Not to worry .... where is "Timmie" btw?

Next time you see those two side-by-side at an interview and ...

... she's opening her mouth to project sounds ....

... check out the expression on his face .....

... It's almost as telling as the one when he saw Bill sleeping during her speech.

I suspect the same expression as one might see on a preacher's face after he found it his new bride he just introduced to the congregation has been advertising on BP in the "escort" section for the past 10 years! Or should I say 30 years?

"You can take the "little girl" out of the Arkansas Hills, but you can't take the Hills out of her!
lustylad's Avatar
Any bets on Overeasy? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Hello SassyPoo/aka HoustonMilfDebbie/aka SeekingTruth!!! How was your vacation? Too brief?
  • jma9
  • 08-03-2016, 12:22 PM
Wha??? RINOs and Neocons are now voting for Hillary!!! Say it isn't so...
Yssup Rider's Avatar

LexusLover's Avatar
Wha??? RINOs and Neocons are now voting for Hillary!!! Say it isn't so... Originally Posted by jma9
It's not so!

Who all has said they aren't gong to vote for Trump?

These "naysayers" need to quit trying to read people's minds. They have enough of a challenge just regurgitating what's happening in their own!

HillaryNoMore will start jacking her jaws soon ... and there will be a shift.