Pokemon Teams

Emily3292's Avatar
So who all plays Pokémon Go? I love it since it has all the Pokémon I grew up with and remember! So I saw this pic and thought of y'all so everyone knows that Team Mystic chicks are the hottest!!

Team Mystic Gym Leader Emily
I play it quite a bit. I caught a 1077 arcanine yesterday!!!
Emily3292's Avatar
Awesome! My most powerful is my 1536 Rapidash
xJTxSOA's Avatar
I'm level 20. Team mystic. Strongest is my 1756 arcanine.
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
I tried it while my nephews were with me. If it get kids outside, I'm all for it.

I was downtown last week for the Jerry Seinfeld show. We walked around downtown afterwards. There were hundreds of people walking around playing the game.
Emily3292's Avatar
JT awesome! I'm 2 Growlithes away from an Arcanine! But I'm level 12 lol
Emily3292's Avatar
But 3 piece it's not for kids! It was designed for people like me in their early twenties who remember and still love these Pokemon. These kids don't know what a vulpix is! I can see the shadows and still remember the name of the Pokemon! Though I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing haha My nerd is showing
But 3 piece it's not for kids! It was designed for people like me in their early twenties who remember and still love these Pokemon. These kids don't know what a vulpix is! I can see the shadows and still remember the name of the Pokemon! Though I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing haha My nerd is showing Originally Posted by Emily3292
This is correct. Last weekend my adult niece and nephews dragged me around town. It's hilarious how I still can piss them off by saying that Psyduck was the most powerful Pokemon of all.
Emily3292's Avatar
Haha but he is adorable!
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
But 3 piece it's not for kids! It was designed for people like me in their early twenties who remember and still love these Pokemon. These kids don't know what a vulpix is! I can see the shadows and still remember the name of the Pokemon! Though I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing haha My nerd is showing Originally Posted by Emily3292
Emily3292's Avatar
You trying to call me a kid 3 piece? :P why don't you schedule a visit and I'll prove how grown up I actually am
Tenzil's Avatar
If any providers are up for a round of golf, I hear there are a lot of pikachus at Painted Dunes.
klll1's Avatar
  • klll1
  • 08-07-2016, 04:03 PM
I'm only a kid a heart. Have several people around me that play so of course I must also. Arcanine 1254, lvl 16 team valor. :-)
cactusjuice5's Avatar
There is a little Pikachu in my pants, if you are interested Emily.
Emily3292's Avatar
If I played golf I'd jump on that Tenzil!