Showcase issues

bella0203's Avatar
Anyone else ever try uploading photos to showcase and have it say "saved" but then never appear in showcase. This has never happened to me before. Maybe it's a site issue and will work if I try later. Figured I'd ask n see if anyone knew the solution or if maybe I'm doing something has been a while.
No. I have not had this issue before.
I'll ask my shandle when I see her and let you know....
Highwayman64's Avatar
Bella....see your pm's for some info darlin
Amber Does's Avatar
I have had this issue for months as well
bella0203's Avatar
Im sorry. Posted in wrong area. As most know, I've been away for a bit and am still getting back into the swing of things. I should have realized the gentlemen would unlikely know. Sorry again about that.

But yes, Amber. Ive tried on my cell, ipad, and lap luck. Really wanted to post some new pics but guess it'll have to wait until the bug gets fixed