ISO website/photo help

Probably posted elsewhere, but navigating Eccie has been a little difficult. I'm 100% new to this and being a provider.

I'm looking for recommendations for website creation, photos, etc....

Would love suggestions, someone that good is good but still affordable.

XOXO Olivia
I will pm you tomorrow about my website guy.
dearhunter's Avatar
Get verified. Then, contact R.M.
Anna Nikkole's Avatar
R.M. does great pictures. I had a client do my website in exchange for a session.
Thanks y'all! In the process still of getting verified. Waiting on some reviews.

Who is RM?

Very new to Eccie and still learning so please give me a break and help some!!
R.M. is a very talented female photographer located in Houston. Check out
Thank y'all!!!
There are probably hundreds of hobbyist that have a high resolution Digital SLR camera that can take outstanding photos. Not photo shopped just good photos. And if they have any experience they will be good at working with you on setting correct light, the backdrop and arranging the photo so that nothing is in the backdrop that can be distracting from the focal point which is you. A typical shoot for me takes about 600 photos to get the 25 to 30 outstanding pics. The shoot should only take about 2 hours and most of that time is setting the backdrop and any props you may want to use. With some imagination just about anything in your incall/hotel location can be used as a back drop and/or prop. The camera will shoot 3 photos every second (if you choose that mode) so the photography part only takes about 45 minutes. During the the shoot the photographer can keep you centered on backdrop and give suggestions on where to move, and pointers on what looks good. The cost of an SD card for the camera is about 30 dollars. All photos will go onto the SD card and can be handed to you at the end of the shoot so no pics go out without your permission. You then have complete control of the photos you want to use. The cost of a photographer, if a hobbyist is the photographer more than likely can be bartered for time of the photo session with provider time. So if you look around some you should be able to get great photos for a 30 dollar SD card and a couple hours of your time. If your good at bartering with a hobbyist photographer he will provide the SD card to. PM me is you have any questions or if I can assist you.
You need to get a person to Photoshop