Helpful information regarding Law Enforcement Officers (LEO's)

Chepano's Avatar
I personally wanted to take the time to offer some free legal advice to assist all in the hobby in our EP area. If you find yourself in a bind You may want to consider the following: Always remain calm, and when any LEO speaks to you try your best to be calm, and not aggressive. Always invoke your right to remain silent, and always ask for an attorney, not a lawyer. The following is an example of a raid I got caught up in back east in Manassas, VA this year 2016. I was proceeding to see my date, when the LEO's arrived.

The two officers one per car, the LEO's proceeded to walk in and around the hotel/motel, basically being turds to anyone they ran into. When it was my turn in the hall way as a former Legal beagle, I was more than prepared, when they asked me for ID I told them I was not operating a motor vehicle, and I asked if the LEO's witnessed a breach of peace, which we all knew they had not, I asked if I was being detained, I also asked if I was free to go. I personally do not carry ID on a appointment's, my calm non aggressive response seemed to confuse the younger officer. The older LEO smiled and said no, and I was on my way. And as dumb as it may sound keep your hands in front of you where the LEO's can see them.

I received a frantic call from my date, and I told her the same thing I used to tell all my clients, DO NOT Panic, if they knock on your door and do not have a warrant which they did not, you do not have to even answer your door. If they do have a warrant simply choose to remain silent, THAT IS ALWAYS the best plan, then if you are arrested, or detained ask for a attorney not a lawyer. The LEO's must have, and be able to prove PC, before they can arrest you, simply remain calm as you can. Do not tell on yourself. And for god's sake do not act shocked if the LEO's start to lie to you about smelling something illegal, or that they saw you doing something, remember they are allowed to lie to you.

Everyone involved in the hobby should have a small card or paper with a local attorney 's name and number on it just in case. And no I am not talking about placing one on retainer. This is always better to have and never need, than not to have when you need it. All in all this incident was the most fun I have had with my clothes on since I retired.

Feel free to PM me if you want any additional info.

Thank you for this valuable information!!!
DocHolyday's Avatar
Pardon me Sir but you want to clarify the difference between an attorney and a lawyer?
john_deere's Avatar
yeah, sup widdat?
Lawyer is a general term for a person who gives legal device and aid and who conducts suits in court. An attorney or, more correctly, an attorney-at-law, is a member of the legal profession who represents a client in court when pleading or defending a case. In the US, attorney applies to any lawyer.

busternutzs's Avatar
What to do in this situation?

At 4am I was cursing through a seedy neighborhood know for it's underworld activities. As I was exiting the area I was pulled over for not using my turn indicator on two separate turns.

Of course he want to know if I was familiar with the neighborhood and all the activities that go on. I said no and I was taking the long way home.

He wanted to search my truck to see if I had any illegal contraband. I allowed the search.

After he was satisfied with his search. He said since I was so cooperative he was going to let me go with a verbal warning. He aslo said I was free to drive home any route of my choosing.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Are people staying in hotels still afforded the same rights as far as search warrants are concerned? Couldn't the manager open the door for the cops and then the cops still look around the room without going through your personal bags etc?
Chepano's Avatar
Lawyer is a general term for a person who gives legal device and aid and who conducts suits in court. An attorney or, more correctly, an attorney-at-law, is a member of the legal profession who represents a client in court when pleading or defending a case. In the US, attorney applies to any lawyer
Chepano's Avatar
Yes you are 100 percent correct providing the LEO's have PC that will hold up in court. Meaning they have to have a reason to enter your room, commonly used is they smelled something or heard someone in a physical struggle.
Chepano's Avatar
Simply put busternuts you are a very smart person...