
I'd like to set the record straight since this gentleman is on here talking trash about me. Him & I have been trying to set up an appointment for a while. Both of us have had things come up & I have been nothing but understanding and polite. I have been out of town these past few days, like I've told anyone/everyone that has contacted me.

Yesterday, some family & I made the 15 hr drive back from Missouri. It was wrong of me to schedule an appointment after that, I realize now. I underestimated how tired I was going to be. I tried my best to give ample time, but this whole trip has been crazy.

I do not have a pimp or anyone else helping me with my work. I am 100% independent & delete outcall address after I use them. In this case, I deleted the text thread because Chepano was being rude to me. I would NEVER demand or accept donation when I didn't earn it. There was never any donation moved between us, so he didn't pay for anything.

I apologize for taking on an appointment when I shouldn't have. But, we never met so I don't believe Chepano should be allowed to post a "review" on me.
utrlbk1976's Avatar
Looks like this has been taken care of.
I wouldn't sweat it Ava. We are all human after all and sometimes we do think we are capable of more than what is realistic, in this case you having made a long car trek from state to state. Here's how I see it...if you let someone know in advance you can't make it because of life events or something coming up and no donation was exchanged then that's better than a NCNS or being ripped off. At that point either the lady can offer rescheduling or the gent can reschedule with the lady upon the cancellation. In this happened and that's that
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Just for future reference, if the appointment didn't take place then the guy can't write a review, the mods will move the thread to coed. It's a bit of a double edged sword, on the one hand like in your case it works out when a guy claims NCNS or whatever even though the provider the did cancel last minute. On the other hand when a provider does actually engage in shitty behavior you have to actually go hunting for the info because NCNS "reviews" aren't tied to a providers account like regular reviews are.

Only piece of advice I can offer is communication and honesty are key. We dunno what went on through text but I can see how Chep would be annoyed by the late cancellation. If you just said something like "hey can we reschedule? i'm pretty tired already." I'd be pretty perturbed wondering why you'd agree to such a late appointment if you can't make it but if you said "hey can we reschedule? I just got back from my Missouri trip a few hours ago and I'm tired as hell." then of course I'd be understanding.
Perhaps she made a bad judgment call thinking she would be ok for an appt, but kudos to her for being honest and respecting him and herself enuf to want to be 100% when they actually do meet . It's happened a few times to me, where I've cancelled an entire day because I knew I was just in a crappy mood. I offered reschedules a a small discount and not one of the three took me up on it. Respect is the name of the Top Tier game :-)

Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
avadulce, offer him a fantastic discount for cancelling with less than 30 minutes and all will be right, I would imagine.
As I re read my post, perhaps I should clarify that they did not take me up on the discount lol, they Did take the offer of a make up Each was understanding and appreciated the honesty
No worries everyone. Him & I have talked. Everything is better.