Best Traffic......?

What are the best traffic days? Also how do we let the hobbits know when we're offering discounts since we're not allowed to list donations.
  • bigB
  • 02-23-2011, 02:39 PM
I would recommend a website or mailing list

you could create a separate email account just for specials and ask for folks to contact you there for specials or a newsletter, may take a while to build the list up, but it does work
flowerflower1's Avatar
put special in your ad heading. then direct them to your website or have them pm or email you for special rates
Are there any free website designers ?
i don't know how to let people know the difference in my travel fees, like, here to Waco,Austin,etc.
It is kind of odd that they have BCS, Killeen, and Waco all bunched in together and poor Temple? lol So Ive been visiting a few trying to get close and convenient to all. So hard considering I am in south Waco which is a a little hard to get to from North Waco but what I understand is bcs is almost 2 hrs from Killeen and still and hr from Waco.? Well guess couldn't have a section for each small or not so small town
knotty man's Avatar
tru dat. we always have trouble with travelin providers who put "comin to your city on ..." not realizing or not caring that we are pretty good distances from each other. just keep in mind when posting you ads you SPECIFY which city you plan on visiting. it'll make things alot easier and hopefully cut down on the ncns due to misunderstanding of where your at
chas00's Avatar
Try the north/east texas forums! the only thing that is managable is the provider ads.. everything else is grouped together. Wichata Falls? Beaumant? Texarkana? Tyler? Denton? LOL!

But yeah they have to group them together for the space.. I guess it could be worse and we could Be joined with Dallas or Houston and then you could be joined with Austin Or even San Antonio