DALLAS we have a problem

  • Holly
  • 02-09-2010, 08:40 PM
I know Houston we have a problem would have sounded better but I dont want the wrong mods contacting me. I need a MOD to contace me ASAP....I had "someone" in chat being a real ass. I have several who can back me up on this. What can be done...I'm pretty sure I know who it is and several others PMed me saying that it was him

Now I got kicked off ASPD over this shit....I'm not going to go through it again. I will NOT act like a fool like I did last time lol

It doesn't matter if its who I think it is or not. The things that he came right into the room saying had everyones jaw on the floor.

I need back up here!! PLEASE help me. We do not want people like this on the board.

I was in chat being very quiet and nice then he rolls in saying they all should Gangbang me and that I'm total PSE and I like it bareback. Anyone who knows anything about me knows this is not true...it was very rude of him to do that but worse than that I DO NOT need this reputation and trash coming into to see me!!!

What do I do??

You may send me a note at sphunter@eccie.net to tell me who this douchebag is.
  • Holly
  • 02-10-2010, 08:37 AM
Just sent the email....thanks SP and all the others who have helped with this situation
xperiment's Avatar
Sorry to hear that Holly. I must have logged before that happened. I still want to sponge bathe your avatar.
shooter6.5's Avatar
that is not an excuse for anyone. The best thing you can do is do NOT respond. Trolls are only effecyive if folks fall for the bait.

SP, if you confirm who this is then let me know.

...Now I got kicked off ASPD over this shit....I'm not going to go through it again. I will NOT act like a fool like I did last time lol Originally Posted by Holly
Looks like you did..