
normalguy21's Avatar
Put this into perspective .

So awhile back i was enguaged to get married and it was state fair time which meant i took her kids school clothes shopping also .

The house was hers as in the loan was in her name but i was giving her Half the payment .

So after shopping all day and getting her the kids and I some new threads i dropped one of the kids of at the place he liked to go and the older one was out doing older kids things so it was time to break the bed springs again !

I dont really recall what she got pissed off about [i didnt mow the fcking yard are some shit right?] and she gets all pissy and wont put out -far from it ! And tells me to get the fuck out !

I go to grab the sack that had the clothes i bought for my self and her thinking i was taking the shit i bought for her also YELL,S OUT [THOSE ARE MY FUCKING CLOTHES I JUST HAD SEX WITH YOU FOR THEM !!!]


I explain to her that since i was paying half the house payment and the elec that i would be pimping then .

Providing a place for goods are services to be exchanged for sexual favor,s

Her Fuck you ! you cheap mother fckr i should turn you in you fcking pimp!

I just had sex with you for those cloth,s ???

And to think as to why there were so many levi,s in the closet dam i,am slow !!!
That sucks. I think...

Honestly I have no idea what's happening here
normalguy21's Avatar
Truly it was a blessing in disguise .Ladders give and snakes take.