Finally asking the dumb question???

python54's Avatar
So, if one was to say eccie to someone, how do you pronounce it? Say the letters, as a word, and what does it stand for.....I've never known??
StaceyMay's Avatar
I struggle with this myself. I say it as EC I hear it pronounced differently
Bikerjoe337's Avatar
Look at the header it says what the acronym means and I've heard provider pronounce it as one word mostly. But if someone chimes in and correctsee me, I welcome the correction.
Bella1982's Avatar
Client and community are both said with a "k" sound so I say it like eccie as one word but with a k sound for the c's. Not sure but it feels right to me.
python54's Avatar
Look at the header it says what the acronym means and I've heard provider pronounce it as one word mostly. But if someone chimes in and correctsee me, I welcome the correction. Originally Posted by Bikerjoe337
Duh.....I'm 62 so I get to claim the senior stupidity card

I guess I get too distracted by naked ladies, I wonder why
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Like Becky without the B...or the good hair.
I wonder how administration came up ECCIE.Someone should email and asks.Since people email administration about many different things. Have a good day!
Grace Preston's Avatar
ECCIE is an acronym. Escort Client Community Info Exchange. The question isn't the meaning of it, but the pronunciation.
It rhymes with "Becky."
Grace, you are so nice to Tonto, for explaining the Obvious.
python54's Avatar
It rhymes with "Becky." Originally Posted by YummyMarie

Word that's much easier!

Thank You Ms.
Marie.....You can stop by my place in Colorado anytime to help me with speech lessons !
James1588's Avatar
It rhymes with "Becky." Originally Posted by YummyMarie
That's how I thought of it. Alternatively, I was once cuddled up with a Cajun-speaking lady who said "eeeeee - see." And somehow, I was not much inclined to argue. Pretty much whatever she said, my response was "yes."
Alluring_Amber's Avatar
A majority of the gents I meet say it like Becky without the B..
But I'm unique so I say ee cee. lol.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Like 'eccky'.
alexissweet69's Avatar
Somebody told me it is pronounced like "essy"?