Just chillin' at the happy hour we were

ck1942's Avatar
A dozen ladies including several from afar and brand new to our community and 28 gents enjoyed the bonhomie and camaraderie and maybe even great burger and brew.

I had to ask about one libation and learned a nasty phrase to describe the concoction.

Per the usual rules, only those there may disclose their presence.

Guessing I am that the first weeks of school interfered with many folks plans to attend.

We did decide that halloween costumes may not include face masks of any presidential candidates past or current.

But, butt masks (?) will be allowed and maybe even encouraged. Also, horses' patoots. Maybe even Asian cowgirls.

The contributions to the $1K costumes awards are mounting already.

Discussion of future major events was spirited, and a very high renewed interest in very private events, too. The survey will be the mail soon.
levi tab's Avatar
damn I need to emails more closely, one of those days I'm able to leave work early and I forget again about the Happy Hour! Damn 2 in row...
Samcro84's Avatar
Damn RW got in way of both events this week. Hopefully next time.

Thanks CK

Big One's Avatar
Had a great time ck. Caught up with a beautiful UTR gal and met several new ladies. Thanks for everything you do!
Peter Gozinya's Avatar
Had a great time thank you CK .
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Thanks CK. I always enjoy myself at these events.
blaktygre's Avatar
goodtimes goodtimes
sms918's Avatar
thanks ck, shame I had to leave so early.

I may have been distracted by RW stuff and only talked 2 ladies(one was a very welcome surprise), but did notice before I left things were kicking into gear.

No matter how far my mind was away, I still noticed the gorgeous scenery.

hopefully next time.

ps. oh and of course sorry to have missed catching up with guys too.
Chuck10's Avatar
Had a great time at the social. Got to visit with a few of the ladies I know and got to meet a few I didn't know. Thanks CK for putting it all together. Looking forward to the next one and the Halloweenie of course...
Ms Francisca's Avatar
As always, it was a pleasure seeing you all.

HarleyMan1951's Avatar
Finally got my work hours changed. Will be attending the next meeting
I showed up late and it looks like I missed seeing some people but I had a great time visiting with the friends that were still there. Thanks as always ck! I appreciate your hard work putting these together.
sounds like fun...sorry to miss this
darter's Avatar
Damn, I missed my ATF, LadyV
Sounds like everyone had a good time, hope to make the next one.
FootLong's Avatar
Hey Darter, I was there and still missed LadyV. But caught up with some other folks.

Hobby on!