Hobby Facebook

Hi there!
So I was wondering...are hobby facebook pages a common thing? I have a hobby facebook and it's where I share videos, pictures, and photography I like which usually includes gorgeous bodies of delightful women..I also love to write erotica..
It's also a great place to verify people! There are all male review groups and all female groups for verification.
As some of you might be able to tell, I don't often post here. On facebook, I have a secret group of only people I've seen and verified.
So I feel it's easier there to share unlimited pictures and really show my personality. I also have a few doubles partners that do not use other pages, only facebook.

A little known Gigi fact: I love taking sexy pictures, of myself and my other lassies! And with facebook, I can share them with my lovers

How do you guys feel about having a secret facebook or twitter page as far as safety goes?
And if you have one, I'm Gigi Gabore on fb and
@Gigi_gabore on twitter..

I've recently discovered the joy of secret FB groups and met some people I wouldn't have otherwise.
My question is how do you keep it from colliding with your real one. I tried to make one using my work info but can not seem to make it work... So do I create a totally fake name or make it as a celebrity something... I think lits of us would do FB if we were not afraid of the overlap...
I actually do not have a "real" facebook page...but when I did, I used one device for all hobby, and another device for real life. I also went and blocked a large portion of real life people from my play page. As long as you keep verified guys on your list that are using play profiles, you should be fine. There are plenty of gals and guys that use their real pages and I feel that can be very unsafe.
gimme_that's Avatar
I have a play page also. Don't even use a real Facebook page at all. Just more providers have migrated there although there are still amateurs there as well. But I do notice more times than not Facebook will try ro connect the dots with other people on suggested friends list. Do not use the mobile app. Sign into the actual website if you use a phone.
Guest072918's Avatar
I had a hobby FB page associated with my hobby phone. Kept it totally separate from civilian devices and FB page. Neverthelss FB was still able to make a connection and asked my hobby FB account if I knew people from my civilian FB site. I have no idea how they made the connection, but I freaked and deleted the whole hobby FB page. As a result I will not touch FB for the hobby. Not worth the chance to cross streams that would bring my world to an end.

But, since I don't have a civilian twitter account, I do have a hobby twitter account. Some ladies actually prefer the messaging there and it is a good way to keep up with touring ladies. Follow request sent, Gigi!
I had a hobby FB page associated with my hobby phone. Kept it totally separate from civilian devices and FB page. Neverthelss FB was still able to make a connection and asked my hobby FB account if I knew people from my civilian FB site. I have no idea how they made the connection, but I freaked and deleted the whole hobby FB page. As a result I will not touch FB for the hobby. Not worth the chance to cross streams that would bring my world to an end. Originally Posted by Woodford
Commmonalities have occured between my to FB accounts but I noticed a link between freinds a couple layers deep between the 2 accounts (which I wouldn't have noticed otherwise).

To be extra careful/paranoid, I use different browsers between logging in to the different accounts which greatly reduces the risk of 3rd party tracking/cookies being used (alledgedly one of my aliases could be involved in knowing about 3rd party advertising tracking, hypothetically).

Still, it's always best to not go outside your safe zone when hobbying. You're the one that has to make sure you can sleep safely at night.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I love reading other ladies Twitter's and IG's (never seen a provider FB) but can't bring myself to set up any "hobby" social media accts.
I love reading other ladies Twitter's and IG's (never seen a provider FB) but can't bring myself to set up any "hobby" social media accts. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
Facebook loves to connect people way too much LOL... twitter I can say is much easier to deal with but anyone can make up a fake twitter account, so I rather not use it to communicate. No social networks for me.