Sorry, it should say "5 largest personal landowners in the world"
Is anyone suprised by any of these results:
1. Queen Elizabeth II - 6,600 million acres
(btw, her land ownership is seperate from her role as head of state)
2. King Adullah of Saudi Arabia - 553 million acres
3. King Bhumibol of Thailand - 126 million acres
4. King Mohammed IV of Morocco - 113 million acres
5. Sultan Quaboos of Oman - 76 million acres
3 and 4 caught me out (assuming these 2007 stats are still up to date)
If you look at state ownership:
the second in line is Russia with 4,219 million acres,
then China with 2,365 million
4th is the USA with the federal goverment owning a 1/3 of US land which is about 760 million acres
and 5th is the King Of Saudi who owns 553 million acres.