Just realized I may have fucked up and violated a rule myself. Willingly take my lumps, if so warranted. I submit humbly to the powers that be. My own daggone integrity will not allow me to stay silent about it. Dammit. I realize I may have to fall on my own sword to maintain my integrity.
I quoted mdlee from a review, now is this really confidential or a secure area?. We all are familiar with his ass kissing and his undying devotion to "our girl" as he calls her to rrabbit. He has repeated it all over the place,
nothing new under the sun. Nothing confidential about that. Does it make any difference I posted it in the coed forum? If I did,
my bad. Should have known better than to quote his dumbass. Now just fair warning to you gents,
proximity to mdlee might be cause for concern. I wasn't aware
stupidity could be contagious.
And I did, by copying my own response to him in the review and posting them here, also revealed the contents of my response. Is that a violation, if I do decide to post what I said in private out in the open? Granted it wasn't verbatim with my own edit. If it is, go ahead.
Spank me.
I've earned my dumbass points

. Just couldn't resist the temptation. But if it brought a rat out to light,
It was worth the ride.
Now, going off topic with a segue, Prof. what can be done about the rat that twisted the comment I said about Baby in the ML and passed it on to her? And said rat bastard, only informed her part of what I said, which when
taken out of context would sound negative. It wasn't her fault for hearing a rat and investigating. Did she get points she didn't deserve? The rat couldn't even get his shit straight.
She will no longer see me because the rat couldn't even pass the right information of what was said and used misinformation to try and silence me. Can we do anything here Professor?
Was that you mdlee? or was it your cohorts?
Cockblocking seems to be right up your alley. Already knew you're a RAT.