Mmmddllleee come out and play part 1

professoreccie's Avatar
Mdlee it is time to find out how big a WK you are. You will have 2 choices which will you chose. Are you going to take the fall for her or tell the truth? The guys around here have told me what's going on so like I offered your leader.

You post it you own it, right?
professoreccie's Avatar
Who knows maybe your leader will do the right thing?
hotrix1's Avatar
At the risk of being called repetitive. I hope you don't mind Prof.... still on topic here.

I pity the FOOL
Rabbit yet another great review from our girl man she is truly a diamond among chunks of coal that's for sure buddy! Originally Posted by mdlee
You can stop kissing ass now foo'.

And this one's for you:

Allow a FOOL when he speaks in JEST
For it's ALL he knows, His comedic best.
But to suffer a FOOL to speak in earnest
and you risk to join his moronic quest

At least her dog knows to STFU when his mommy is getting FUCKED. WHAT ABOUT YOU LAPDOG?

Your foolish, REPEATED prating
helps YOUR PRINCESS not one bit.
Shut up Mdlee, go take a shit,
Diamond my ass, your lust so blind
You'd eat her shit, if she passed one of a kind.
...and I will add more with this edit
Do you think she cares really about your shit?
I don't think she cares you got bitch-slapped
No, I don't thinks so
No, not one bit.

Hey Bamadog, how's that for poetry buddy? I think you'd like it. I'm sure she wont, but she sure wont care her lapdog got slapped. ROFLMAO
BTW, anyone notice he calls rrabbit his girl man? Now that's just rude.....bwahahaha. The fool hasn't even the brains to use punctuation. Or know the difference between "for" and "from". You're just too easy mdlee.
Precious_b's Avatar
Panhandle is going to take the Drama mantle from Houton/Austin board.
Am I the only one that considered the possibility that all these "fan boys" are one person setting behind a computer with access to multiple IP address...?
hotrix1's Avatar
Just realized I may have fucked up and violated a rule myself. Willingly take my lumps, if so warranted. I submit humbly to the powers that be. My own daggone integrity will not allow me to stay silent about it. Dammit. I realize I may have to fall on my own sword to maintain my integrity.

I quoted mdlee from a review, now is this really confidential or a secure area?. We all are familiar with his ass kissing and his undying devotion to "our girl" as he calls her to rrabbit. He has repeated it all over the place, nothing new under the sun. Nothing confidential about that. Does it make any difference I posted it in the coed forum? If I did, my bad. Should have known better than to quote his dumbass. Now just fair warning to you gents, proximity to mdlee might be cause for concern. I wasn't aware stupidity could be contagious.

And I did, by copying my own response to him in the review and posting them here, also revealed the contents of my response. Is that a violation, if I do decide to post what I said in private out in the open? Granted it wasn't verbatim with my own edit. If it is, go ahead. Spank me.
I've earned my dumbass points. Just couldn't resist the temptation. But if it brought a rat out to light, It was worth the ride.

Now, going off topic with a segue, Prof. what can be done about the rat that twisted the comment I said about Baby in the ML and passed it on to her? And said rat bastard, only informed her part of what I said, which when taken out of context would sound negative. It wasn't her fault for hearing a rat and investigating. Did she get points she didn't deserve? The rat couldn't even get his shit straight. She will no longer see me because the rat couldn't even pass the right information of what was said and used misinformation to try and silence me. Can we do anything here Professor?
Was that you mdlee? or was it your cohorts?
Cockblocking seems to be right up your alley. Already knew you're a RAT.

Precious_b's Avatar
Just realized I may have fucked up and violated a rule myself. Willingly take my lumps, if so warranted. I submit humbly to the powers that be. My own daggone integrity will not allow me to stay silent about it. Dammit. I realize I may have to fall on my own sword to maintain my integrity.

I quoted mdlee from a review, now is this really confidential or a secure area?. We all are familiar with his ass kissing and his undying devotion to "our girl" as he calls her to rrabbit. He has repeated it all over the place, nothing new under the sun. Nothing confidential about that. Does it make any difference I posted it in the coed forum? If I did, my bad. Should have known better than to quote his dumbass. Now just fair warning to you gents, proximity to mdlee might be cause for concern. I wasn't aware stupidity could be contagious.

And I did, by copying my own response to him in the review and posting them here, also revealed the contents of my response. Is that a violation, if I do decide to post what I said in private out in the open? Granted it wasn't verbatim with my own edit. If it is, go ahead. Spank me.
I've earned my dumbass points. Just couldn't resist the temptation. But if it brought a rat out to light, It was worth the ride.

Now, going off topic with a segue, Prof. what can be done about the rat that twisted the comment I said about Baby in the ML and passed it on to her? And said rat bastard, only informed her part of what I said, which when taken out of context would sound negative. It wasn't her fault for hearing a rat and investigating. Did she get points she didn't deserve? The rat couldn't even get his shit straight. She will no longer see me because the rat couldn't even pass the right information of what was said and used misinformation to try and silence me. Can we do anything here Professor?
Was that you mdlee? or was it your cohorts?
Cockblocking seems to be right up your alley. Already knew you're a RAT.

Originally Posted by hotrix1
Did you yourself?
Jjsunday's Avatar
Am I the only one that considered the possibility that all these "fan boys" are one person setting behind a computer with access to multiple IP address...? Originally Posted by JayFree

They Should be able to pull up Mac addresses!!! Why don't they??

you can change IP's but not Mac !!

Come out and Play miss Fanboys
Devil8ball's Avatar
Bullshit fucking drama which accomplishes nothing.
hotrix1's Avatar
Did you yourself? Originally Posted by Precious_b
Can you clarify please?
And make it sound nice?

Yes, I will call foul on myself. As a person with some integrity....if that's what you're asking. At least I can live with myself.

I may have made a stupid mistake. Is it time to fall on my sword yet Prof.?

Bullshit fucking drama which accomplishes nothing. Originally Posted by Devil8ball
Now that just shows what an ignorant ass you truly are 8ball. The so-called "drama" you so object to accomplished the exposure of a rat, a fanboy and a whiteknight. Too bad it involved your damsel-in-distress. We didn't shit in your playground, don't shit in ours you interloper. Fuck off, and take your shit with you. We're trying to clean up the shit these fanboys left behind to make it fair for the other providers and hobbyists here in the Panhandle of which you certainly don't belong. It was here before you , be here when you're long gone. What makes you think a review on a local provider entitles you to your 2 cents in an arena you only pass thru? Tried to play nice with you on your review but you don't seem to understand either. The old guard of the Panhandle will take a stand. Fuck you if you don't like that and go back to the same hole mdlee and his boys crawled out from because it will be a cold day in hell before I or any of the mature hobbyist in the Panhandle will take your shit and be quiet. Meantime, you and the fanboys can kiss each other's asses. Might keep you occupied long enough to see your own demise.

I suspected you to be a whiteknight, and gave you the benefit of the doubt, but now I know.

Begone whiteknight, for your fair lady awaits
in her tower,
full of other men's power
and also their seed
and if you get hurt hearing this
you might just find comfort
by fucking your steed
Devil8ball's Avatar
Can you clarify please?
And make it sound nice?

Yes, I will call foul on myself. As a person with some integrity....if that's what you're asking. At least I can live with myself.

I may have made a stupid mistake. Is it time to fall on my sword yet Prof.?

Now that just shows what an ignorant ass you truly are 8ball. The so-called "drama" you so object to accomplished the exposure of a rat, a fanboy and a whiteknight. Too bad it involved your damsel-in-distress. We didn't shit in your playground, don't shit in ours you interloper. Fuck off, and take your shit with you. We're trying to clean up the shit these fanboys left behind to make it fair for the other providers and hobbyists here in the Panhandle of which you certainly don't belong. It was here before you , be here when you're long gone. What makes you think a review on a local provider entitles you to your 2 cents in an arena you only pass thru? Tried to play nice with you on your review but you don't seem to understand either. The old guard of the Panhandle will take a stand. Fuck you if you don't like that and go back to the same hole mdlee and his boys crawled out from because it will be a cold day in hell before I or any of the mature hobbyist in the Panhandle will take your shit and be quiet. Meantime, you and the fanboys can kiss each other's asses. Might keep you occupied long enough to see your own demise.

I suspected you to be a whiteknight, and gave you the benefit of the doubt, but now I know.

Begone whiteknight, for your fair lady awaits
in her tower,
full of other men's power
and also their seed
and if you get hurt hearing this
you might just find comfort
by fucking your steed Originally Posted by hotrix1
Whatever dude, nobody gives a shit about your stupid "cause".
They Should be able to pull up Mac addresses!!! Why don't they??

you can change IP's but not Mac !!

Come out and Play miss Fanboys Originally Posted by Jjsunday
I would hope someone looked into it but you never know.
Either way a Mac address can be gotten around too. A couple cheap cell phones / tablets / etc is all it would take....
hotrix1's Avatar
Whatever dude, nobody gives a shit about your stupid "cause". Originally Posted by Devil8ball
You might feel it stupid because you "don't care" about the "fucking bullshit drama" as you said. Well , now I think you're obtuse. You're still here little boy. Who gives a shit what you think? And talking about stupid, you're a great example for sticking your nose where it didn't belong in the first place and getting it cut off. So who's stupid now? And working so hard to prove it. All for what? Defending your fave piece of ass? Been there, learned it never works, because she "don't care" if you do or don't. Why don't you ask her and find out?

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. Benjamin Franklin

Might want to learn that. And don't call me a white knight I find it insulting....... Mr. WhiteKnight, you know just you got pwned here by a dark knight. So there now, run to mama kitty and ask her to nurse your hurting pussy and see if she really cares.
Jjsunday's Avatar
I would hope someone looked into it but you never know.
Either way a Mac address can be gotten around too. A couple cheap cell phones / tablets / etc is all it would take.... Originally Posted by JayFree

Ya if there's a Will There's a Way

But Hell I may have to change my ways Lmao

WK is getting free stuff Now

Really thinking about changing my way's and Cashing in !!!!
Jjsunday's Avatar
You all know I am Joking Lmao

But Mdlee should Jump on that deal

Hell I would be there Now !!!!!!!

or He maybe there ?