Samsung Galaxy 7 Note

Oralist's Avatar
Was watching the news. They've found a new use for the Galaxy 7 Note. It can also be used to light your Bar/B-Q Fire or your fireplace!

...too bad...some of the hottest phone sex I've ever had...
They asked for it.....karma.

In Tebow's name....Mother fuckers should have kept the design with the removable battery.
Kraid's Avatar
  • Kraid
  • 09-14-2016, 06:42 PM
They asked for it.....karma.

In Tebow's name....Mother fuckers should have kept the design with the removable battery. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Hence the reason why I'm still on the Note 4: backup battery on the go.
yup....similar situation here
I was traveling yesterday and part of the No NO was having a Galaxy 7 charging or on during flight must be some new airline regulation.
Totempole's Avatar
Contralto's Avatar

...too bad...some of the hottest phone sex I've ever had... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
OK, I'm sorry. That's funny right there...
Well its definitely the hottest phone on the market.
OK, I'm sorry. That's funny right there... Originally Posted by Contralto
Never apologize for having a sense of humor
What in the hell is phone sex? I am afraid to google that.
Toolman's Avatar
Gives new meaning to the term "burn phone."