Need HELP on how to get officially on here what do i need to do-username is jessimaye69

i been told i need a sponsor on here to be on eccie officially right now i am just signed up i do have one review i found and other than that i cant advertise on here with out paying but i would like to know how to exactly use this site as well lol and what do i need to purchase to advertise in order to post on here and everything could someone please contact me i have been contacted by someone who says they help managing the site but when i asked how do i know he was legit he stopped talking then next few days or maybe it was then day after his first contact he contacted again and i set up to meet him he never showed and then called after the set appointment to help me out like take pics for me and even give me vip access but he needed help paying a bill he said so i was even more leary of that person really being a mangement of the site personale so if you could i really need some help im tired of the hassel and the unsure of safety of meetings with new ppl so here my contact info 682 215 5516 please refer to seeing this post thank and have a great night!
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