Avatar Pics

busternutzs's Avatar
When selecting an Avatar pic it is subject to or limited to the following:
The maximum size of your custom image is 150 by 150 pixels or 97.7 KB (whichever is smaller).

I tried uploading a few pics to change my Avatar and the changes were not excepted because they were greater than the maximum size as listed above.

Is there any way to make pic have less pixels or lower the pic down to 97.7KB in order to upload the pic for an Avatar?
CryptKicker's Avatar
Like with most sites the avatar picture has to fit certain size requirements. What you quoted is the max for our site. You can probably use an editing program to change the size of the pic so you can upload it. I've done that before.
Tex9401's Avatar
I use Windows Paint or Powertoys for Windows.
Phrasing's Avatar
When selecting an Avatar pic it is subject to or limited to the following:
The maximum size of your custom image is 150 by 150 pixels or 97.7 KB (whichever is smaller).

I tried uploading a few pics to change my Avatar and the changes were not excepted because they were greater than the maximum size as listed above.

Is there any way to make pic have less pixels or lower the pic down to 97.7KB in order to upload the pic for an Avatar? Originally Posted by busternutzs
I use office picture manager or whatever and you can select the shrink size.