“If I were Donald Trump I wouldn’t participate in another debate unless I was promised that the journalist would act like a journalist and not an incorrect, ignorant fact checker,” Giuliani said.
“If I were Donald Trump I wouldn’t participate in another debate unless I was promised that the journalist would act like a journalist and not an incorrect, ignorant fact checker,” Giuliani said.
No way Holt could win this one. Had he tried harder to shut up Trump's interruptions (which were way more than Hildabeast's) he would have been accused of favoritism. Since he didn't, he looked like he lost control. Originally Posted by ProlongusActually he could have. He fact checked Trump 6 times, Hillary 0. Just keep it even. He didn't. But it's water over the damn. As one of my football coaches would tell us " men, excuses are made by losers". Very true.
Rudy's wrong. Trump needs to review this debate and notice where he could have knocked Hillary completely out of the race. Then he should do it in the next two debates. Everyone knows the moderators are in Hillary's camp. Deal with it. Just don't hold back next time. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyLester Holt is a registered republican, you senile old fart.
Somebody's buying the spin. Somebody fat and disgusting.You are fat and disgusting. Really disgusting. And a cocksucking pig. Which is disgusting.
Drumpf showed no restraint nor much respect for Holt, Clinton or the audience.
I don't give a fuck if he's a novice debater, he certainly has been in enough of them. Granted they were against the likes of Cruz and Rubio, but his continually cutting Holt off and responding to everything, though not his turn, was one of the reasons he appeared so out of control.
Or, maybe he WAS out of control?
Either way, Lester Holt played a very small role in the outcome of that debate, regardless of what the Drumpf Bullshit Machine is saying today. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
talk about melting down and sour grapes.mad because he's not smart enough to refute a moderator. LOL
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Lester Holt is a registered republican, you senile old fart. Originally Posted by i'va biggenSo he's smarter than the typical journalist (who are 93% democrat whether they register as a republican or not).
Really shouldn't have to refute an honest moderator don't you think? Is this how the great Hillary has to win a debate...cheat? She can't cheat as president and so far she has demonstrated that she will give up secrets, tip her hand, negoiate in bad faith, and cover her failures by blaming others. Originally Posted by JD Barleycornmaybe she did