West Texas Hummingbird CAM

tia travels's Avatar
I like turning this on every once in awhile to hear the hummers chirping and see them flying for nectar.
I've seen a few different species come to this feeder.
Thought you'd enjoy. It's from The Cornell Lab and Perky-Pet.


If the LIVE icon is not lit RED, then click the word LIVE and you should get a "live" view.
I too enjoy a good hummer. There's just something about watching it bury its face in between the petals of a flower and sucking the sweet juices out.

By chance do you enjoy the woodpecker? What about the tit?

Edit: I also forgot to ask: Are you a fan of cocks? How about swallows?
You should write erotica, Don.
tia travels's Avatar
Yes he has a good play on words there.
Just down the road from San Angelo is the Hummer House in Christoval. http://www.hummerhouse.com/
tia travels's Avatar
I liked your link too Chief62. Especially when it came to the part where they were in the birdbath. Never seen a hummingbird in a birdbath before. Cute.
More of us should get down to San Angelo. Maybe just even for those lil cuties.