america is more like soviet russia

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
its about thought control instead of sending someone to the gulag.

"The idea that wealth redistribution is moral, and that the provision of goods and services by the state is a legitimate function have tremendous sway in America"

"In America we do not destroy political enemies by sending them to the gulag or grave by way of mysterious “accidents,” but we do so in more subtle, nuanced ways"

"Who needs a formal, state-controlled cultural police force when people will self-censor lest they draw the ire of friends and colleagues?"

"And perhaps most stunning of all, we as a nation cannot see it and do not know it. This blindness, ignorance, or combination of both speaks to the effectiveness of a communism that we may have “vanquished” in a conventional sense – the Soviet Union fell, albeit without its murderous leaders ever being put on trial and punished for their crimes – but the ideas of which are powerful as ever."

and in the end:

"Bad ideas have bad consequences.'

+1 good article
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Worth a bump. We are also re-enacting the Fall of Rome.