funky glitches w/ eccie website behavior [perhaps vBulletin software?]

pmdelites's Avatar
anyone else experiencing these eccie website behavior problems?
i'm using Chrome in incognito mode running on Windows 10 anniversary update.

* when typing a new thread or a reply, double click some text, then click on the "B"old, "I"talic, "U"nderline icons to format the text.
used to be, doing so would pre-pend and post-pend the selected text w/ etc.
current result = NADA action or results!!

* in the upper part of any page is some text like "Welcome, pmdelites".
used to be, if you clicked on your name, a small drop-down menu would display where you go to various sections of your account.
current result = the current page redisplays.

* when in a forum and you want to mark all threads as read.
used to be, if you clicked on "Forum Tools", a small drop-down menu would display where you could select several menu items, incl. "mark as threads as read".
current result = clicking on that link redisplays the page and positions it where there's a section w/
"Forum Tools
Mark This Forum Read
Subscribe to This Forum
View Parent Forum"
click on the first item [whose URL is ] and you get ...
"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error."

if i need to post this in a diff forum, pls either move it there or let me know and i'll repost there.

pmdelites's Avatar
maybe i was in some sort of post-operative sedative dream....
all of the above functions work as expected.

now if i could just have a real-life dream about a couple of sexy providers teaching lil delites about the delites of skin flutes.... :^)