I have always hung around a lot of men, and contrary to what many believe, men are not stupid and they are not simple. They love to claim ignorance so they can be excused from meeting our needs. - J Danielle^ ok she got me pegged right out of the gate on claiming ignorance.
1.) MAINTAIN MYSTERY(This is step one in the grooming process)
Mystery is important. When pimpin’, don’t stay on the phone with your victim too long, 10 minutes or less is a general rule for all conversations. When you call, never leave a voice message, make him wonder what you wanted. When he calls, don’t answer it but call him right back. Now he will wonder what you were just doing…don’t tell him. And don’t make up anything, avoid the subject altogether. Block him from your facebook wall. He does not need to follow conversations with your friends. But, do allow him to view your photos.
This is key. If you do something totally wrong, such as tell him that you are coming over say you are coming over that night, then don’t show up or call to cancel, act like it’s no big deal. Call him the next day and have a normal conversation i.e. Hey, what’s up with you? He will be confused and hurt. This is easier for women to do because most men are too proud to ask why you didn’t come over last night. This is the trickiest one for men.
After you tell him that there is no way he saw what he thought he saw, you should accuse him of being all the things you are…a liar, a cheat, a ho, a freak, a jerk, disrespectful…just don’t be harsh with it. Say things like “I feel like you’re always so jealous….” Or “Why you always coming with the drama, I’m just trying to chill and be happy…” It’s important to blame this all on him and his anti-happiness even though you know that there is no way he misinterpreted the situation or did anything wrong. But remember, you are pimping here, not trying to better society.
No I don’t have this backwards. Before you pick a fight to prevent him from trying to accompanying you to wherever it is that you don’t want to be seen with him (basically anywhere outside of his house), be really sweet and nice the days before. This helps you cover all of the first 4 secrets. He won’t know why you freaked out all of a sudden therefore you remain mysterious.
If he doesn’t call you after you ditch him for the event, or whatever other messed up thing you did, call him and pretend to be jealous. Tell him that you heard he was messin with Tay-Tay (Tayshawn or Tawanda). Tell him that he was probably acting funny because he's been kicking it with someone else.
See, two pimps can’t pimp each other. So it’s important that you, as the real PIMP ensure that you are the only one seeing other people. You have to stay in his thoughts or else you risk losing one of your backups to another PIMP. If he gets really wise, you have to take things to the next level. Men do this all the time. In fact, some of them do it before the woman even shows signs of wearing thin.
Accuse him of wanting too much, and tell him that you are the only one who will tolerate his demands—even though he hasn’t demanded anything. Any valid concerns expressed by him should be dismissed as “bringing drama.” That way he feels confused which leads to him feeling bad. This is HIGHLY effective and insulting to men. That’s a good thing, remember, two words: emotional abuse. It’s effective for men, because men do not want to be accused of showing feminine characteristics, even though, as I stated before, basically we are all the same.7.) REFUSE TO ENJOY HIS COMPANY
He might be a fun person…he may like to go to poetry readings and karaoke or he might even like to ride motorcycles and play video games. But these activities are much too much fun for a PimpinVictim! If he even suggests the two of you do anything remotely ‘fun’ you should immediately suggest watching a movie at HIS house, that way you can immediately get up and leave once you start getting comfortable. A true pimp cuts out the fun factor from Day 1, and never make a habit of letting your Conquests spend the night. This is where most Pimpstresses get a FAIL. It’s so hard for us women to detach. But you have to…nay, you MUST.
If you follow all 7 rules with at least 3 different men at the same time for a minimum of 2 months, you will achieve PIMP status.