"Scorched Earth"

"Scorched Earth" is the big word of the day. All of the major news outlets say that Trump, with no chance of winning, will destroy Hillary to the point that half the Country will never trust her as their President.

News Flash!! If Donald Trump did not even exist, one half of the Country would still not trust Hillary Clinton, and would still recognize her as being the despicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt that she is.

The Democrats knew this going in, yet still insisted on nominating this Woman, when other choices were available that the Country as a whole could support.
Fishpie's Avatar
Well according to Podesta's hacked Gmail account, Trump is leading in all the polls even though the DNC has manipulated the public ones they could.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-13-2016, 03:51 PM
Well according to Podesta's hacked Gmail account, Trump is leading in all the polls even though the DNC has manipulated the public ones they could. Originally Posted by Fishpie
Wishful thinking as you whistle past the graveyard?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
cptjohnstone's Avatar
are those "scientific" polls? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
these are the only poll Eva knows
these are the only poll whackoff kid knows Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
These are the only poll. LMFAO

Fishpie's Avatar
Wishful thinking as you whistle past the graveyard? Originally Posted by Old-T
Sorry it was Outlook not Gmail.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is amazing!

Thanks for the intel, Fishpie!

Now I'm really shitting bricks!