Area Is Too Hot For This Little Lady!

GenesisNicole's Avatar
Unfortunately, to those men that contacted me for a date (and have legitimate screening info) I will not be coming to LA, ever!

This area is entirely too hot with LE and some of you are working with them. (You know who you are).

I have never in my life received so many messages from guys with either, no references, or references so old, I was probably still in diapers... Or my faorite to date. Gent has no idea how to send me links to references yet has been a member for 5+ yrs and story seems sketcky as hell.

I'm not dumb! And I have a life outside of the hobby that is WAY too important to me to be caught up in some nonsense.

I deeply apologize to you gents that are GENTLEMEN! As I was really looking forward to meeting you, or seeing you again.

If you find yourself in my area...Look me up.

Until then...

Dorian Gray's Avatar
MuffinMan's Avatar
Nichole....believe it or not, the legitimate hobbiests understand. It's some of the former BP gals now turned VP's who have loosened up the standards and allowed these asshat, BP mongers to change the way some of y'all do business that puts us all at risk.

Ladies: Hold to your standards, require Refferences and personally check them as well as share them! We'll all be better for it.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
Thanks MuffinMan.
Now at rat ter jus pisses me off!
Nicole, when you say that, they win!
And that is about all they want anyway.

Now, I know I have my flaws and shortcomings. I even know some of them. And I admit that competitiveness IS one. I ABSOLUTELY HATE to loose! To a fault!
When I say I used to 'ride bulls' back in the day. I mean for real. I paid cash for my first child's birth because we had no insurance at the time and the hospital required payment up front before the delivery date.
I supported my family by rodeoing! This ain't no 'drug store' 'Wannabe' Cowboy here. This SUMBITCH rode thousands of bulls over ten years and conquered several previously unridden bovines. The greatest sensation in the world is not cumming in a hot ladies mouth. Hearing the buzzer on the back of 1500 lbs of muscle is BETTER than any sex I ever had.
THAT requires uncompromising competitiveness that is probably inbred and genetic.
Suffice it to say I HATE loosing!
And now, the heat around here is accomplishing their intended impact. They WIN. We LOOSE.
I don't blame Nicole or any other traveling ladies for making a wise business decision and avoiding any hot area. But I still don't like admitting defeat either.
DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! At pisses me off.
I wasn't even going to be available for Nicole's visit anyway but just knowing bad Uncle has scared off a quality lady is just a hard pill for this here 'has been' to swallow.
Hey Genesis

Thank you so much for posting updated info of the hobby there.

Traveling ladies should know what's up.

Shreveport used to be my favorite play.

You can play but just it low profile.I saw a lady over in Shreveport a couple of weeks ago we meet in the lobby of a casino had a couple drinks & had a great time.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
I agree with Nicky. Low profile low key! Stealth mode!
I have been a member for 4 years. But I like being with just one girl at a time. I don't have lots of references because I saw Jane 999 every month for 3 years, after she died it took me 8 months to get the courage to see another girl. I found a great provider but now they have moved out of state, temporarally I hope. That does not make me a bad client but it is hard to give references with those conditions. Yes, No one wants problems with LE but some of us don't like to hop from girl to girl we like being friends with our providers. Just my thoughts.
Again preferred411 not bullet proof but helps a lot.Nothing wrong with seeing the same provider but if things goes south you need a backup plan.