ObamaCare is Not Failing – It’s Doing Exactly What It Was Constructed To Do…

SUCKERS! https://theconservativetreehouse.com...o/#more-123538

The Last Refuge Rag Tag Bunch of Conservative Misfits – Contact Info: TheLastRefuge@reagan.com

Posted on October 23, 2016 by sundance

There is a talking point about Obamacare failing as the cost shifts are too extreme upon the participating (paying) electorate, etc.

[…] State insurance regulators across the country have approved health care premium increases higher than those requested by insurers, despite a national effort to keep rates for policies sold on Affordable Care Act exchanges from skyrocketing, a USA TODAY analysis shows. (read article)

The underlying argument is a fundamentally flawed premise. ObamaCare was never designed *not* to overwhelm you with the shifting of massive costs. ObamaCare was designed to crush you in costs.

ObamaCare architects (ex. J Gruber) had three key political special interest groups from K-street involved. The primary two were Labor Unions and Corporations (Wall Street); the secondary (useful politically only) group was social progressives.

♦ Union Lobbying – DEMOCRATS – The goal was to rid labor unions of exorbitant (unsustainable) healthcare retirement costs. Hence Andy Stern (SEIU) was primary lobbyist.

♦ Wall Street – REPUBLICANS – The goal was to remove healthcare from cost of goods sold, serviced, or produced. Hence Tom Donohue (US CoC) was primary lobbyist.

♦ Political Narrative – The socially progressive wing of the ’08/’09 Dem Congress pushed the 30 million uninsured narrative. That emotional narrative was the primary media narrative for why action needed.

The political narrative was a ruse. The 30 million “uninsured” became covered by an expanded Medicaid program. If covering the 30 Million was the end-all reason the quick solution would have been to just raise the income cap on coverage eligibility for state subsidy/reimbursement and *presto* done….

….But that would not have removed the Healthcare cost from Union Retirement packages, or from U.S. Wall Street Corporations; which were the real reason for the construction.

Both Democrats and Republicans, had an interest in the redistribution of healthcare costs to the individual, that’s the heart of the UniParty agenda.

[Another significant Uniparty agenda item includes blocking campaign finance reform (Dem) / keeping Citizens United in place (Rep). = same/same ]

The ObamaCare cost shift means the individual carries the burden.

The beneficiary on the corporate side is the business who doesn’t need to provide the employee coverage; they just pay a flat fee to drop their insured and the fee (tax) becomes a predictable cost of doing business. The U.S. CoC (Donohue) gets healthcare out of his Wall Street balance sheets, and stock evaluations (bottom line) improve.

The beneficiary on the Labor Union side is the union itself. Like the corporations, the union drops the cost of coverage from its liabilities. [Initially, there was going to be a fee on contracted healthcare benefits (Cadillac Tax), that was later dropped.] Without the liability the sustainability of Labor Union finances improve immediately.

When you accept the following framework things make more sense:

♦ ObamaCare was never designed sustain itself. It was never designed to survive. It was built with failure as the intended outcome.

♦ ObamaCare was designed to be too cost prohibitive for the individual (employee or self-employed) to carry without a significant increase in wages. The shift in coverage from employer to employee did not have any underlying increase in wage mechanism.

♦ ObamaCare was built to move the responsibility of healthcare from the private market system (free market) into a government market system (single payer).

♦ ObamaCare is succeeding.
Wheres that "flighter" bitch?


The Obamacare Tax EVERYONE Will Pay

By Twila Brase | August 26, 2015 | 10:16 AM EDT

Protesters hold signs decrying the failures of Obamacare. (AP Photo)
So much for “affordable” health care.

Yet another Affordable Care Act tax is on tap for September, starting at $8 billion a year and increasing to more than $14 billion annually by 2018. In short, every health plan with more than $25 million dollars of premiums has to pay a portion of that giant tax.

That means that even Americans who are not covered by Obamacare, but instead have private insurance plans, will still pay this tax through premium increases and other fees.

By next Monday, August 31st—or possibly before—the federal government will tell each plan what portion of the health insurance tax they will be required to pay before September 30th. And this tax, and therefore the increases to the insured, will happen every year. A tax on our insurers is a tax on all of us, since Americans will see their premiums increase significantly, possibly by a double-digit percentage. In fact, one actuary estimates that individual premiums may increase $500 this year, while family premiums could be $700 higher.

Health plans providing coverage for Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare will be charged with the tax, which will, in turn, increase the cost of Medicaid for the state, as well as Medicare for the federal government and recipients. However, the tax cannot be directly imposed on government entities.

The Affordable Care Act was described as a law to ease the financial burden on Americans and improve their coverage and care. But neither has happened. Our care has been compromised and all of us—even those who didn’t choose Obamacare coverage—are paying the price. This is not affordable health care.

The Daily Caller reports that over the next decade, consumers will pay more than $145 billion for the tax. Language for the tax was buried in Section 9010 of the Affordable Care Act as a way to raise future funds to pay for Obamacare. Now, some lawmakers are calling for repeal of Section 9010 of the law. Among them is Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), who told the Daily Caller that the tax “is another example of how the president’s health care law was designed so the most painful parts of the law kick in years later.”

“Ironically,” The Daily Caller continued, “the elderly and the poor—those who were supposed to benefit most from Obamacare—will be adversely affected by the new tax, as will financially hard-pressed state governments.”

The IRS has a web page to explain the fee and the process: http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Corpor...Provision-9010.

Twila Brase is president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF, www.cchfreedom.org), a Minnesota-based national organization dedicated to preserving patient-centered health care and protecting patient and privacy rights. Celebrating its 20th year, CCHF exists to protect health care choices and patient privacy. Brase, a registered nurse, has been called one of the “100 Most Powerful People in Health Care” and one of “Minnesota’s 100 Most Influential Health Care Leaders.”