The Walking Dead season 7
Don't know if any of you watches this show but last night episode gave me chill.
Most intense episode yet.
religiously but i thought last nights episode was rather anticlimactic. was sad to see glenn and abraham go but it was just kinda eh the only part where i was on the edge of my seat was waiting to see who got lucilled! then it was abraham and i was like i can live with losing him. but then daryl attacked neagan and i knew glenn was getting killed also. glenn was a no brainer cause he dies at this point in the comic. abraham however in the comic was supposed to die at the train tracks when the chick got the crossbow bolt through her eye. in the comic that was abrahams death!
If they had let the second kill on Glen be the very end of last season, instead of dragging it out to the ridiculous extent they did.... would have been so much more powerful IMO. All that fucking around in the RV with Negan after the thing with Abraham and Glen just kind of watered the impact down.