I don't appeciate the insinuation

I DO NOT appreciate the insinuation I ever did BB by a certain MEMBER that could not read a review correctly. He did not read a review correctly, maybe his understanding of the English language is not well. He seems like an ass, and I have sent him a PM to tell him that. I refuse to be put up on this board as a risky person.

It was fixed by a Mod (thank you) and yet it still looks like it. Please review the comments again and fix.

I never have, nor will I. I appreciate myself and whom I see to jeapordize anything like that.

Sorry for the rant, I just want this cleared up NOW. No matter how much fun we have here, it is still a business and reputations are at stake.

Thanks. A
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Here is a DickHead. I hope none of you ladies see him. Eccie21*

Screw this guy.

Rude and Crude and Never to Get Screwed
this dude made over 1500 posts, no reviews. Yes, I believe him. Eccie214. Loser I am done. I make bank on p411.
dj8rocks's Avatar
A, I think it was clarified in the subsequent posts in private tags in the comments. It was obvious that the review was not read properly by the one that one that asked the question. JMHO, there was no credibile reason for that question to be asked, nor do I see where any of us that does take the time to READ the review would ever discount your credibility or concerns for your or our safety. dj8
Thanks. Appreciated.