Remove Provider Ad In Colorado? Please and Thank You!

Sexy Sophia's Avatar
I have been visiting Colorado and have an ad place in the Denver Colorado section. I've been having a blast in Pueblo/Colorado Springs and was going to Fort Collins today. However, I have decide to cancel my plans to go Fort Collins. Unfortunately, I haven't had enough interest to spend the time and money necessary to stay! So! Is there any way to have the ads removed? I am heading home to Louisiana but plan on stopping in Amarillo for two days and am going to place visiting ads there......I don't want there to be any confusion or questions as to why I have ads placed in different states and cities when I cant possibly be in four different places on the same dates!
Please remove all ads I have placed for Colorado. If that isn't possible is there a way I can edit the ads to say Thanks but I'm leaving?
Any Help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
As far as I know, once it's up it's only have a few mins after it's posted to edit. The only thing you can do is to put a small post in the CO-ED section for that location...just to say Trip is cancelled/postponed. Or, if someone happens to contact you for an appointment, then just explain directly.
You can always put in your signature line that your trip to Ft Collins is cancelled due to lack of interest. That should show up on your ads you posted, so the guys know.
Sexy Sophia's Avatar
Thanks for the help, suggestions and taking the time to respond!
I'm glad to know these things now!
Sexy Sophia...the BEST way to solve your problem is to simply RTM the post which will notify the Mods in that area and the post will be removed...
Sexy Sophia's Avatar
Great tips from all of you guys! I appreciate it!
I went ahead and removed the Ad in question for you...also, you posted TWO ads in the same day, that is NOT allowed.

Providers are only allowed to post an ad in a city's Provider Ad Forum ONCE every seven days
Admin took care of problem.