This is what severe Manic Depressive Illness looks like...

If you do or don't know about the illness, He has all the hallmark symptoms of it, and in these videos he is in an extreme full blown "Manic State".

By the way, this manic behavior can mimic the symptoms of drug use.

This isn't just about the drugs this is about an illness gone long untreated.

I hope he gets help, gets on the right medications and maybe if he survives this he can speak out on the illness.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2011, 12:00 PM
Holy Sheen!

That was really really bad.

They need to get that boy some help.

His so called friends need to be locked up.

No freaking wonder they suspended shooting on 2 1/2 Men.

I thought his TV interviews were bad!

If that boy is pulling one over on us, he needs the Oscars of all time Oscars.

I thought Chrstian Bale was great in "The Fighter" , Charlie makes him look like a first time acting student!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
The first few interviews he was doing I said to myself...He looks like he is in manic phase
London Rayne's Avatar
I have much personal experience with being Manic. It's quite scary. My cousin is on Lithium which seems to be the only thing that keeps her in balance. Of course, you feel numb on it which to me is worse than feeling the highs and lows. The first piece of art work I designed is called "Bipolar."
Naomi4u's Avatar
I just wish people would leave him alone.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Lithium, being a trace element, is also available as a supplement, and might not be a bad addition to the medicine cabinet.
London Rayne's Avatar
I doubt that's the same dose she was getting. Her blood has to be constantly tested because it can be toxic if mixed with alcohol or other things. Being it is already in your body, if the levels rise too much you can in fact die.
Lithium is old medication. There are better meds out there for bipolar (manic depression). Seroquel, Depakote. But all of them including Lithium take a toll on the liver. With long term use they cause Tardive Dykinesia, tremors, Diabetes and other nasty side effects. Every person who has Bipolar has a varying degree of the illness. There is bipolar type I and bipolar type II.

I agree the media needs to lay off on the jokes for Charlie Sheen, and focus more on the fact he is suffering from this illness and needs treatment. Maybe his family can involuntarily commit him if they get enough evidence to show he may be a danger to himself.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yep, and every person reacts to certain meds better than others...for my cousin, Lithium was her saving grace. NO one drug works best for every person with the disease. Personally, Paxil is my fave and I rep for's more for depression than Bipolar disorder though.
lil_michelle's Avatar
It actually hurts to watch.... I hope someone is his life can get him the help he needs.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I couldn't finish the whole video. That is a sad thing to watch. To have the kind of success he has and have this kind of thing going on is sad...
jughead1171's Avatar
I have had some close friends who were manic depressives. Very hard to watch their self destructive behavior. When I first saw Charlie's demeanor it seemed likely he was suffering from this condition. I felt sorry for him and hope he is able to deal with his illness and not let it consume him.
Question: How many drugs did Charlie Sheen take???

Answer: Enough to kill 2 1/2 men.

Doctors out here in Cali write prescriptions for anything you ask for. They offered me some medications just because I was having a bad day. Just say no! lol
London Rayne's Avatar
Question: How many drugs did Charlie Sheen take???

Answer: Enough to kill 2 1/2 men.

Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Agreed. He was not suffering from this disease 10 years ago from what I recall. Drugs have a lot to do with his current state, and he chose to go that route.