Only 98 souls on board ... unless you count the multiple "returnees." Very nicely balanced with a slight skew to the male side of the ratio.
Would have been a 50/50 split had not childcare, car troubles and some late running busiess issues interefered.
Still almost 30 folks a-chillin' and a-swilling.
Barstaff looking mighty pleased at both tips and sales.
Many new face and travelers! Austin, Houston, Dallas and elsewhere definitely well represented.
Costumes! Oh! My!
From a priest to a nun to several strippers, Cinderella, knights, little (!!!) black dresses, red and blues and too much "landscape" uncovered.
Again, WOW!!!
Per the usual, only those present may disclosetheir own participation.
Planning is under way for the XXX-mas fete in early December.
"Sinner Clause" is already seeking some ginger elves!